
七十年代以来的中英关系【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

  • 王红续著 著
  • 出版社: 哈尔滨:黑龙江教育出版社
  • ISBN:7531630540
  • 出版时间:1996
  • 标注页数:339页
  • 文件大小:12MB
  • 文件页数:353页
  • 主题词:中外关系


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The Reestablishment of Sino-British Relations and the Shelving of the Hong Kong Question9

Chapter One9

第一章 中英关系的重建与香港问题的搁置9

1.Maintaining its Control over Hong Kong Was the Important Motives for Britain to Recognize New China10

一 保住香港是促使英国承认新中国的重要动机10

二 新中国对英政策与建交谈判19

2.New China s Policy toward Britain and the Negotiations on the Establishment of Sino-British Diplomatic Relations19

3.A Standstill of Diplomatic Relations and the Causes29

三 外交关系的长期停滞及其原因29

4.The Adjustments in the Diplomatic Strategies of China and Britain45

四 两国外交战略的调整45

5.The Raising of Sino-British Diplomatic Relations to Ambassadorial Level and the Rapid Development of Sino-British Political Relations61

五 外交关系升格和中英政治关系的迅速发展61

6.The Zigzag Development of Sino-British Trade Contaces78

六 曲折上升的经贸往来78

7.Mao Zedong s Strategy of Maintaining the Status Quo of Hong Kong and its Beneficial Results91

七 毛泽东保持香港现状的战略及其效益91

一 香港问题提上日程107

1.The Hong Kong Question Was Put on the Agenda107

The Settlement of the Hong Kong Question and the Formation of Sino-British “Honeymoon”107

Chapter Two107

第二章 香港前途问题的解决与中英“蜜月”的形成107

2.Deng Xiaoping Formulated the Strategic Conception of One Country,Two Systems113

二 邓小平提出“一国两制”的战略构想113

3.The Stalemate and Breakthrough in the Matter of Sovereignty118

三 在主权问题上的僵持及突破118

4.The Arrangements for Hong Kong after 1997126

四 关于1997年后对香港的安排问题126

5.The Talks on the Arrangements for the Transition Period137

五 关于过渡期的安排等问题的会谈137

六 中英联合声明及其意义143

6.Sino-British Joint Declaration and its Significance143

7.The Optimum Period148

七 最佳时期148

8.Further Development of Sino-British Economic and Cultural Relations154

八 经济、文化关系的新进展154

9.Close Cooperation in the First Part of the Hong Kong Transition Period162

九 在香港前过渡期的密切合作162

10.The Motive Forces Bringing about Sino-British Honeymoon174

十 促成中英“蜜月”的主要动力174

第三章 英方对华对港政策的剧烈波动及其后果186

Chapter Three186

The Drastic Changes in Britain s Policies toward China Hong Kong and the Consequences186

一 加入西方对华制裁的行列187

1.Britain Joined the Western Rank of Sanctions against China187

二 英方开始改变对港政策198

2.Britain Began to Change its Policy toward Hong Kong198

三 中英外长磋商香港政制安排问题207

3.China s and Britain s Foreign Ministers Exchanged Views on the Arrangements for Hong Kong s Political System207

4.Gradual Removal of Sanctions against China214

四 制裁措施的逐步解除214

五 新机场谅解备忘录221

5.Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Construction of the New Airport221

6.The Tough Policy of Britain toward China234

六 英国对华政策的强硬化234

七 香港政改导致中英对抗241

7.The Political Reform in Hong Kong led to Sino-British Confrontation241

八 中英关于香港政制问题的会谈及其破裂252

8.Sino-British Talks on Hong Kong s Political System and the Breakdown252

九 “另起炉灶”261

9.“Starting Anew”261

Chapter Four270

1.The Readjustments in Britain s Policy and the Causes270

The Return of Hong Kong to China and the Status Quo and Future of Sino-British Relations270

一 英方再次调整政策及其原因270

第四章 香港回归问题与中英关系的现状和未来270

2.The Resumption of Sino-British Cooperation on the Hong Kong Question278

二 在香港问题上双方合作的恢复278

3.The Improvement of Sino-British Economic and Political Relations287

三 经济政治关系的改善287

4.Problems Existing at Present295

四 当前存在的问题295

五 1997年后中英关系的战略支点301

5.The Strategic Culcrum for Sino-British Relations after 1997301



Appendix Ⅰ:References314


Appendix Ⅱ:Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People s Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong320

