
一课一读:高中英语选修读本·路【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

  • 朱大龙编著 著
  • 出版社: 南京:南京师范大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787811017120
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:242页
  • 文件大小:14MB
  • 文件页数:254页
  • 主题词:英语-阅读教学-高中-教学参考资料


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第一部分 The sense of responsibility 家庭社会1

1.Home is where the school is 家庭是所学校1

2.Improve parent-child relationship 跨越代沟4

3.Equality in a healthy family 健康家庭中的平等观7

4.What we should value most 什么最珍贵10

5.The position of money 金钱的位置14

6.When do you become an adult? 不断成长17

7.To be a good listener 聆听对方20

8.To be interested in other people 关注他人23

9.A problem of modern life 现代生活的遗患26

10.Protect our environment 保护环境29

11.Environment pollution 温润泽国的命运32

12.The sense of responsibility 我的责任35

13.Diploma and social expectations 学历与社会需求38

14.How to deal with stress? 如何减压?41

15.Which type are you of? 你属于哪一类人?44

16.A new meaning in competition 审视竞争47

第二部分 Diathesis of a scientist 学习能力50

17.English is an international language 英语是一门国际语言50

18.Effective foreign language learning 有效的外语学习53

19.Language learning begins with listening 语言学习从听力开始57

20.How to use our brains? 怎样科学用脑?60

21.Education and schooling 教育与学校教育63

22.Critical thinking is at the heart of education. 教育的本质是培养批判性思维67

23.Teaching and learning 明晰教与学的关系70

24.What determines intelligence? 什么决定人的智力因素?73

25.How to get rid of absent mindedness? 怎样克服心不在焉?76

26.Diathesis of a scientist 科学家的素养79

27.Interests and genius 兴趣与天才82

28.How to be a good reader? 怎样做个好读者?85

29.Write between the lines 读书笔记88

30.Those things that hurt,instruct 梅花香自苦寒来91

31.Are you a passive learner? 你是被动型学习者吗?94

32.To be an automatic reader 行云流水的阅读97

33.Self-discipline 学会自律100

34.Learn to use a computer 科学使用计算机103

第三部分 Be yourself 人际交往107

35.Are you popular? 你受人欢迎吗?107

36.Inner-relationships and quality of our lives 人际关系与生活质量111

37.How to make friends? 怎样交友?114

38.The art of pleasing 取悦的艺术117

39.How to communicate with others? 何为交往的技巧?120

40.The most valuable quality—admit your mistakes 最可贵的品质——勇于认错123

41.How to get rid of shyness? 如何克服羞怯?126

42.Tell the meaning behind words 学会判断话外音130

43.Get along well with your teacher 建立良好的师生关系133

44.How to make a proper introduction? 怎样算是得体的引见?137

45.The importance of team work 团队合作的重要性140

46.Effects from peers 来自同龄人的影响143

47.Be yourself 做真正的我146

48.Self-confidence 建立自信心149

49.Idea of beauty 审美152

50.How to face bullying? 如何面对恃强凌弱?155

51.Personality and attractiveness 人格与魅力158

第四部分 What can make you happy? 健康快乐162

52.What can make you happy? 幸福在哪里?162

53.What's happiness? 快乐是什么?166

54.Five simple rules to happiness 幸福五要诀169

55.How to keep fit? 如何保持健康?172

56.What's subhealth? 何为亚健康?175

57.Biological age 生理年龄178

58.Three kinds of loneliness 三种孤独181

59.Laughter is the best medicine 笑一笑,十年少184

60.Happiness and pains 幸福与痛苦187

61.Controlling your feelings is good for your health 控制情绪有益健康190

62.Positive thinking 积极的思维方式193

63.No honesty,no happiness 没有诚信,无从快乐196

64.Honorable actions create happiness 快乐源自高尚情操201

第五部分 Secret of success 追随梦想204

65.Secret of success 成功的秘诀204

66.How do successful people think? 何为成功者的思维?208

67.Too many worries lead to nothing 心无旁骛,孜孜以求211

68.Make a mental blueprint of your desire 勾画你的蓝图214

69.Failure,good or bad? 塞翁失马,焉知非福?217

70.Making a direct attack 直面进攻220

71.What's worth thinking about? 什么是当务之急?223

72.The value of fear 害怕的价值225

73.Failure is a part of life 生活中注定有失败228

74.Build your identity for college life 规划你的大学生活231


