
A Short History Of Astroknomy Frkom Earliest Times Through The Nineteenth Century【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

A Short History Of Astroknomy Frkom Earliest Times Through The Nineteenth Century
  • 出版社: Inc.
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  • 出版时间:1961
  • 标注页数:440页
  • 文件大小:123MB
  • 文件页数:486页
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1.Scope of astronomy1

2-5.First notions:the motion of the sun:the motion and phases of the moon:daily motion of the stars1

6.Progress due to early civilised peoples:Egyptians,Chinese,Indians,and Chaldaeans3

7.The celestial sphere:its scientific value:apparent distance between the stars:the measurement of angles4

8-9.The rotation of the celestial sphere:the North and South poles:the daily motion:the celestial equator:circumpolar stars7

10-11.The annual motion of the sun:great circles:the ecliptic and its obliquity:the equinoxes and equinoctial points:the solstices and solstitial points8

12-13.The constellations:the zodiac,signs of the zodiac,and zodiacal constellations:the first point of Aries(??),and the first point of Libra(??)12

14.The five planets:direct and retrograde motions:stationary points14

15.The order of nearness of the planets:occultations:superior and inferior planets15

16.Measurement of time:the day and its division into hours:the lunar mouth:the year:the week17

17.Eclipses:the saros19

18.The rise of Astrology20


19-20.Astronomy up to the time of Aristotle.The Greek calendar:full and empty months:the octaeteris:Meton's cycle21

21.The Roman calendar:introduction of the Julian Calendar22

22.The Gregorian Calendar23

23.Early Greek speculative astronomy:Thales and Pythagoras:the spherical form of the earth:the celestial spheres:the music of the spheres24

24.Philolaus and other Pythagoreans:early believers in the motion of the earth:Aristarchus and Seleucus25

25.Plato:uniform circular and spherical motions26

26.Eudoxus:representation of the celestial motions by combinations of spheres:description of the constellations.Callippus27

27-30.Aristotle:his spheres:the phases of the moon:proofs that the earth is spherical:his arguments against the motion of the earth:relative distances of the celestial bodies:other speculations:estimate of his astronomical work29

31-2.The early Alexandrine school:its rise:Aristarchus:his estimates of the distances of the sun and moon.Observations by Timocharis and Aristyllus34

33-4.Development of spherics:the Phenomena of Euclid:the horison,the zenith,poles of a great circle,verticals,declination circles,the meridian,celestial latitude and longitude,right ascension and declination.Sun-dials36

35.The division of the surface of the earth into zones37

36.Eratosthenes:his measurement of the earth:and of the obliquity of the ecliptic39

37.Hipparchus:his life and chief contributions to astronomy.Apollonius's representation of the celestial motions by means of circles.General account of the theory of eccentrics and epicycles40

38-9.Hipparchus's representation of the motion of the sun,by means of an eccentric:apogee,perigee,line of aspses, eccentricity:equation of the centre:the epicycle and the deferent41

40.Theory of the moon:lunation or synodic month and sidereal month:motion of the moon's nodes and apses:draconitic month and anomalistic month47

41.Observations of planets:eclipse method of connecting the distances of the sun and moon:estimate of their distances49

42.His star catalogue.Discovery of the precession of the equinoxes:the tropical year and the sidereal year51

43.Eclipses of the sun and moon:conjunction and opposition:partial,total,and annular eclipses:parallax56

44.Delambre's estimate of Hipparchus61

45.The slow progress of astronomy after the time of Hipparchus:Pliny's proof that the earth is round:new measurements of the earth by Posidonius61

46.Ptolemy.The Almagest and the Optics:theory of refraction62

47.Account of the Almagest:Ptolemy's postulates:arguments against the motion of the earth63

48.The theory of the moon:evection and prosneusis65

49.The astrolabe.Parallax,and distances of the sun and moon67

50.The star catalogue:precession68

51.Theory of the planets:the equant69

52.Estimate of Ptolemy73

53.The decay of ancient astronomy:Theon and Hypatia73

54.Summary and estimate of Greek astronomy74


55.The slow development of astronomy during this period76

56.The East.The formation of an astronomical school at the court of the Caliphs:revival of astrology:translations from the Greek by Honein ben Ishak,Ishak ben Honein,Tabit ben Korra,and others76

57-8.The Bagdad observatory.Measurement of the earth.Corrections of the astronomical data of the Greeks:trepidation78

59.Albategnius:discovery of the motion of the sun's apogee79

60.Abul Wafa:supposed discovery of the variation of the moon.Ibn Yunos:the Hakemite Tables79

61.Development of astronomy in the Mahometan dominions in Morocco and Spain:Arzachel:the Toletan Tables80

62.Nassir Eddin and his school:Ilkhanic Tables:more accurate value of precession81

63.Tartar astronomy:Ulugh Begh:his star catalogue82

64.Estimate of oriental astronomy of this period:Arabic numerals:survivals of Arabic names of stars and astronomical terms:nadir82

65.The West.General stagnation after the fall of the Roman Empire:Bede.Revival of learning at the court of Charlemagne:Alcuin83

66.Influence of Mahometan learning:Gerbert:translations from the Arabic:Plato of Tivoli,Athelard of Bath,Gherardo of Cremona.Alfonso X.and his school:the Alfonsine Tables and the Libros del Saber84

67.The schoolmen of the thirteenth century,Albertus Magnus,Cecco d' Ascoli,Roger Bacon.Sacrobosco's Sphaera Mundi85

68.Purbach and Regiomontanus:influence of the original Greek authors:the Nürnberg school:Walther:employment of printing:conflict between the views of Aristotle and of Ptolemy:the celestial spheres of the Middle Ages:the firmament and the primum mobile86

69.Lionardo da Vinci:earthshine.Fracastor and Apian:observations of comets.Nonius.Fernel's measurement of the earth90

CHAPTER Ⅳ.COPPERNICUS (FROM 1473 A.D.TO 1543 A.D.), §§ 70-9292

70.The Revival of Learning92

71-4.Life of Coppernicus:growth of his ideas:publication of the Commentariolus:Rheticus and the Prima Narratio:publication of the De Revolutionibus93

75.The central idea in the work of Coppernicus:relation to earlier writers99

76-9.The De Revolutionibus.The first book:the postulates:the principle of relative motion,with applications to the apparent annual motion of the sun,and to the daily motion of the celestial sphere100

80.The two motions of the earth:answers to objections105

81.The motion of the planets106

82.The seasons108

83.End of first book.The second book:decrease in the obliquity of the ecliptic:the star catalogue110

84.The third book:precession110

85.The third book:the annual motion of the earth:aphelion and perihelion.The fourth book:theory of the moon:distances of the sun and moon:eclipses111

86-7.The fifth and sixth books:theory of the planets:synodic and sidereal periods112

88.Explanation of the stationary points118

89-90.Detailed theory of the planets121

91.Coppernicus's use of epicycles122

92.A difficulty in his system123


93-4.The first reception of the De Revolutionibus:Reinhold:the Prussian Tables125

95.Coppernicanism in England:Field,Recorde,Digges127

96.Difficulties in the Coppernican system:the need for progress in dynamics and for fresh observations127

97-8.The Cassel Observatory:the Landgrave William Ⅳ.,Rothmann,and Bürgi:the star catalogue:Bürgi's invention of the pendulum clock128

99.Tycho Brahe:his early life130

100.The new star of 1572:travels in Germany131

101-2.His establishment in Hveen:Uraniborg and Stjerneborg:life and work in Hveen132

103.The comet of 1577,and others135

104.Books on the new star and on the comet of 1577136

105.Tycho's system of the world:quarrel with Reymers Bar136

106.Last years at Hveen:breach with the King138

107.Publication of the Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica and of the star catalogue:invitation from the Emperor139

108.Life at Benatek:co-operation of Kepler:death140

109.Fate of Tycho's instruments and observations141

110.Estimate of Tycho's work:the accuracy of his observations:improvements in the art of observing141

111.Improved values of astronomical constants.Theory of the moon:the variation and the annual equation143

112.The star catalogue:rejection of trepidation:unfinished work on the planets144

CHAPTER Ⅵ.GALILEI (FROM 1564 A.D.TO 1642 A.D.), §§ 113-134145

113.Early life145

114.The pendulum146

115.Diversion from medicine to mathematics:his first book146

116.Professorship at Pisa:experiments on falling bodies:protests against the principle of authority147

117.Professorship at Padua:adoption of Coppernican views148

118.The telescopic discoveries.Invention of the telescope by Lippersheim:its application to astronomy by Harriot,Simon Marius,and Galilei149

119.The Sidereus Nuncius:observations of the moon150

120.new stars:resolution of portions of the Milky Way151

121.The discovery of Jupiter's satellites:their importance for the Coppernican controversy:controversies151

122.Appointment at the Tuscan court153

123.Observations of Saturn.Discovery of the phases of Venus154

124.Observations of sun-spots by Fabricius,Harriot,Scheiner,and Galilei:the Macchie Solari:proof that the spots were not planets:observations of the umbra and penumbra154

125.Quarrel with Scheiner and the Jesuits:theological controversies:Letter to the Grand Duchess Christine157

126.Visit to Rome.The first condemnation:prohibition of Coppernican books159

127.Method for finding longitude.Controversy on comets:Il Saggiatore160

128.Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World.Its preparation and publication162

129.The speakers:argument for the Coppernican system based on the telescopic discoveries:discussion of stellar parallax:the differential method of parallax163

130.Dynamical arguments in favour of the motion of the earth:the First Law of Motion.The tides165

131.The trial and condemnation.The thinly veild Coppernicanism of the Dialogue:the remarkable preface168

132.Summons to Rome:trial by the Inquisition:condemnation,abjuration,and punishment:prohibition of the Dialogue169

133.Last years:life at Arcetri:libration of the moon:the Two New Sciences:uniform acceleration,and the first law of motion.Blindness and death172

134.Estimate of Galilei's work:his scientific method176

CHAPTER Ⅶ.KEPLER (FROM 1571 A.D.TO 1630 A.D.), §§ 135-151179

135.Early life and theological studies179

136.Lectureship on mathematics at Gratz:astronomical studies and speculations:the Mysterium Cosmographicum180

137.Religious troubles in Styria:work with Tycho181

138.Appointment by the Emperor Rudolph as successor to Tycho:writings on the new star of 1604 and on Optics:theory of refraction and a new form of telescope182

139.Study of the motion of Mars:unsuccessful attempts to explain it183

140-1.The ellipse:discovery of the first two of Kepler's Laws for the case of Mars:the Commentaries on Mars184

142.Suggested extension of Kepler's Laws to the other planets186

143.Abdication and death of Rudolph:appointment at Linz188

144.The Harmony of the World:discovery of Kepler's Third Law:the"music of the spheres"188

145.Epitome of the Copernican Astronomy:its prohibition:fanciful correction of the distance of the sun:observation of the sun's corona191

146.Treatise on Comets193

147.Religious troubles at Linz:removal to Ulm194

148.The Rudolphine Tables194

149.Work under Wallenstein:death195

150.Minor discoveries:speculations on gravity195

151.Estimate of Kepler's work and intellectual character197


152.The general character of astronomical progress during the period198

153.Scheiner's observations of faculae on the sun.Hevel:his Selenographia and his writings on comets:his star catalogue.Riccioli's New Almagest198

154.Planetary observations:Huygens's discovery of a satellite of Saturn and of its ring199

155.Gascoigne's and Ausout's invention of the micrometer:Picard's telescopic"sights"202

156.Horrocks:extension of Kepler's theory to the moon:observation of a transit of Venus202

157-8.Huygens's rediscovery of the pendulum clock:his theory of circular motion203

159.Measurements of the earth by Snell,Norwood,and Picard204

160.The Paris Observatory:Domenico Cassini:his discoveries of four new satellites of Saturn:his other work204

161.Richer's expedition to Cayenne:pendulum observations:observations of Mars in opposition:horizontal parallax:annual or stellar parallax205

162.Roemer and the velocity of light208



164.Division of Newton's life into three periods210

165.Early life,1643 to 1665210

166.Great productive period,1665-87211

167.Chief divisions of his work:astronomy,optics,pure mathematics211

168.Optical discoveries:the reflecting telescopes of Gregory and Newton:the spectrum211

169.Newton's description of his discoveries in 1665-6212

170.The beginning of his work on gravitation:the falling apple:previous contributions to the subject by Kepler,Borelli,and Huygens213

171.The problem of circular motion:acceleration214

172.The law of the inverse sequare obtained from Kepler's Third Law for the planetary orbits,treated as circles215

173.Extension of the earth's gravity as far as the moon:imperfection of the theory217

174.Hooke's and Wren's speculations on the planetary motions and on gravity.Newton's second calculation of the motion of the moon:agreement with observation221

175-6.Solution of the problem of elliptic motion:Halley's visit to Newton221

177.Presentation to the Royal Society of the tract De Motu:publication of the Principia222

178.The Principia:its divisions223

179-80.The Laws of Motion:the First Law:acceleration in its general form:mass and force:the Third Law223

181.Law of universal gravitation enunciated227

182.The attraction of a sphere228

183.The general problem of accounting for the motions of the solar system by means of gravitatioon and the Laws of Motion:perturbations229

184.Newton's lunar theory230

185.Measurement of the mass of a planet by means of its attraction of its satellites231

186.Motion of the sun:centre of gravity of the solar system:relativity of motion231

187.The non-spherical form of the earth,and of Jupiter233

188.Explanatioon of precession234

189.The tides:the mass of the moon deduced from tidal observations235

190.The motions of comets:parabolic orbits237

191.Reception of the Principia239

192.Third period of Newton's life,1687-1727:Parliamentary career:improvement of the lunar theory:appointments at the Mint and removal to London:publication of the Optics and of the second and third editions of the Principia,edited by Cotes and Pemberton:death240

193.Estimates of Newton's work by Leibniz,by Lagrange,and by himself241

194.Comparison of his astronomical work with that of his predecessors:"explanation"and"description":conception of the material universe as made up of bodies attracting one another according to certain laws242

195.Newton's scientific method:"Hypotheses non fingo"245


196.Gravitational astronomy:its development due almost entirely to Continental astronomers:use of analysis:English observational astronomy247

197-8.Flamsteed:foundation of the Greenwich Observatory:his star catalogue249

199. Halley:catalogue of Southern stars253

200.Halley's comet253

201.Secular acceleratioon of the moon's mean motion254

202.Transits of Venus254

203.Proper motions of the fixed stars255

204-5.Lunar and planetary tables:career at Greenwich:minor work255


207-11.Discovery and explanation of aberration:the constant of aberration258

212.Failure to detect parallax265

213-5.Discovery of nutation:Machin265

216-7.Tables of Jupiter's satellites by Bradley and by Wargentin:determination of longitudes,and other work269

218.His observations;reduction271

219.The density of the earth:Maskelyne:the Cavendish experiment273

220.The Cassini-Maraldi school in France275

221.Measurements of the earth:the Lapland and Peruvian arcs:Maupertuis275

222-4.Lacaille:his career:expedition to the Cape:star catalogues,and other work279

225-6.Tobias Mayer:his observations:lunar tables:the longitude prize282

227.The transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769:distance of the sun284


228.Newton's problem:the problem of three bodies:methods of approximation:lunar theory and planetary theory287

229.The progress of Newtonian principles in France:popularisation by Voltaire. The five great mathematical astronomers:the pre-eminence of France290

230.Euler:his career:St.Petersburg and Berlin:extent of his writings291

231.Clairaut:figure of the earth:return of Halley's comet293

232.D'Alembert:his dynamics:precession and nutation:his versatility:rivalry with Clairaut295

233-4.The lunar theories and lunar tables of Euler,Clairaut,and D'Alembert:advance on Newton's lunar theory297

235.Planetary theory:Clairaut's determination of the masses of the moon and of Venus:Lalande299

236.Euler's planetary theory:method of the variation of elements or parameters301

237.Lagrange:his career:Berlin and Paris:the Mécanique Analytique304

238.Laplace:his career:the Mecanique Céleste and the Système du Monde:political appointments and distinctions306

239.Advance made by Lagrange and Laplace on the work of their immediate predecessors308

240.Explanation of the moon's secular acceleration by Laplace308

241.Laplace's lunar theory:tables of Bürg and Burckhardt309

242.Periodic and secular inequalities310

243.Explanation of the mutual perturbation of Jupiter and Saturn:long inequalities312

244-5.Theorems on the stability of the solar system:the eccentricity fund and the inclination fund313

246.The magnitudes of some of the secular inequalities318

247.Periodical inequalities:solar and planetary tables based on the Mécanique Céleste318

248.Minor problems of gravitational astronomy:the satellites:Saturn's ring:precession and nutation:figure of the earth:tides:comets:masses of planets and satellites318

249.The solution of Newton's problem by the astronomers of the eighteenth century319

250.The nebular hypothesis:its speculative character320

CHAPTER Ⅻ.HERSCHEL (FROM 1738 A.D.TO 1822 A.D.), §§ 251-271323

251-2.William Herschel's early career:Bath:his first telescope323

253-4.The discovery of the planet Uranus,and its consequences:Herschel's removal to Slough325

255.Telescope-making:marriage:the forty-foot telescope:discoveries of satellites of Saturn and of Uranus327

256.Life and work at Slough:last years:Caroline Herschel328

257.Herschel's astronomical programme:the study of the fixed stars330

258.The distribution of the stars in space:siargauging:the"grindstone"theory of the universe:defects of the fundamental assumption:its partial withdrawal.Employment of brightness as a test of nearness:measurement of brightness:"space-penetrating"power of a telescope332

259.Nebulae and star clusters:Herschel's great catalogues336

260.Relation of nebulae to star clusters:the"island universe"theory of nebulae:the"shining fluid"theory:distribution of nebulae337

261.Condensation of nebulae into clusters and stars339

262.The irresolvability of the Milky Way340

263.Double stars:their proposed employment for finding parallax:catalogues:probable connection between members of a pair341

264.Discoveries of the revolution of double stars:binary stars:their uselessness for parallax343

265.The motion of the sun in space:the various positions suggested for the apex344

266.Variable stars:Mira and Algol:catalogues of comparative brightness:method of sequences:variability of a Herculis346

267.Herschel's work on the solar system:new satellites:observations of Saturn,Jupiter,Venus,and Mars348

268.Observations of the sun:Wilson:theory of the structure of the sun350

269.Suggested variability of the sun351

270.Other researches352

271.Comparison of Herschel with his contemporaries:Schroeter352


272.The three chief divisions of astronomy,observational,gravitational,and descriptive354

273.The great growth of descriptive astronomy in the nineteenth century355

274.Observational Astronomy.Instrumental advances:the introduction of photography357

275.The method of least squares:Legendre and Gauss357

276.Other work by Gauss:the Theoria Motus:rediscovery of the minor planet Ceres358

277.Bessel:his improvement in methods of reduction:his table of refraction:the Fundamenta Nova and Tabulae Regiomontanae359

278.The parallax of 61 Cygni:its distance360

279.Henderson's parallax of a Centauri and Struve's of Vega:later parallax determinations362

280.Star catalogues:the photographic chart362

281-4.The distance of the sun:transits of Venus:observations of Mars and of the minor planets in opposition:diurnal method:gtravitational methods,lunar and planetary:methods based on the velocity of light:summary of results363

285.Variation in latitude:rigidity of the earth367

286.Gravitational Astronomy.Lunar theory:Damoiseau,Poisson,Pontécoulant,Lubbock,Hansen,Delaunay,Professor Newcomb,Adams,Dr.Hill367

287.Secular acceleration of the moon's mean motion:Adams's correction of Laplace:Delaunay's explanation by means of tidal friction369

288.Planetary theory:Leverrier,Gyldén,M.Poincare370

289.The discovery of Neptune by Leverrier and Dr.Galle:Adams's work371

290.Lunar and planetary tables:outstanding discrepancies between theory and observation372

291.Cometary orbits:return of Halley's comet in 1835:Encke's and other periodic comets372

292.Theory of tides:analysis of tidal observations by Lubbock,Whewell,Lord Kelvin,and Professor Darwin:bodily tides in the earth and its rigidity373

293.The stability of the solar system374

294.Descriptive Astronomy.Discovery of the minor planets or asteroids:their number,distribution,and size376

295.Discoveries of satellites of Neptune,Saturn,Uranus,Mars,and Jupiter,and of the crape ring of Saturn380

296.The surface of the moon:rills:the lunar atmosphere282

297.The surfaces of Mars,Jupiter,and Saturn:the canals on Mars:Maxwell's theory of Saturn's rings:the rotation of Mercury and of Venus383

298.The surface of the sun:Schwabe's discovery of the periodicity of sun-spots:connection between sun-spots and terrestrial magnetism:Carrington's observations of the motion and distribution of spots:Wilson's theory of spots385

299-300.Spectrum analysis:Newton,Wollaston,Fraunhofer,Kirchhoff:the chemistry of the sun386

301.Eclipses of the sun:the corona,chromosphere,and prominences:spectroscopic methods of observation389

302.Spectroscopic method of determining motion to or from the observer:Doppler's principle:application to the sun391

303.The constitution of the sun392

304-5.Observations of comets:nucleus:theory of the formation of their tails:their spectra:relation between comets and meteors393

306-8.Sidereal astronomy:career of John Herschel:his catalogues of nebulae and of double stars:the expedition to the Cape:measurement of the sun's heat by Herschel and by Pouillet396

309.Double stars:observations by Struve and others:orbits of binary stars398

310.Lord Rosse's telescopes:his observations of nebulae:revival of the"island universe"theory400

311.Application of the spectroscope to nebulae:distinction between nebulae and clusters401

312.Spectroscopic classification of stars by Secchi:chemistry of stars:stars with bright-line spectra401

313-4.Motion of stars in the line of sight.Discovery of binary stars by the spectroscope:eclipse theory of variable stars402

315.Observations of variable stars403

316.Stellar photometry:Pogson's light ratio:the Oxford,Harvard,and Potsdam photometries403

317.Structure of the sidereal system:relations of stars and nebulae405

318-20.Laplace's nebular hypothesis in the light of later discoveries:the sun's heat:Helmholis's shrinkage theory.Influence of tidal friction on the development of the solar system:Professor Darwin's theory of the birth of the moon.Summary406



