
INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS RESEARCH【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

  • 出版社: INC.
  • ISBN:0070232458
  • 出版时间:1976
  • 标注页数:617页
  • 文件大小:52MB
  • 文件页数:627页
  • 主题词:


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1 Introduction1

1-1 The Beginning and Progress of Operations Research1

1-2 Classification of Problems in Operations Research3

1-3 Mathematical Modeling in Operations Research5

Part One Deterministic Operations Research Models11

2 Dynamic Programming11

2-1 Introduction11

2-2 Investment Problem12

2-3 Dynamic Programming Solution of the General Allocation Problem18

2-4 Stagecoach Problem27

2-5 Production Scheduling38

2-6 Equipment Replacement50

2-7 Summary63

3 Linear Programming68

3-1 Introduction68

3-2 Formulation of Linear Programming Models69

3-3 Graphic Solution of Linear Programming Models74

3-4 Maximization with Less-than-or-equal-to Constraints78

3-5 Equalities and Greater-than-or-equal-to Constraints86

3-6 Minimization of the Objective Function88

3-7 The Simplex Method90

3-8 Example to Illustrate Simplex Algorithm95

3-9 Computer Program for Algorithm 3.1100

3-10 Properties of the Simplex Method106

3-11 Transportation Problem107

3-12 Assignment Problem110

4 Integer Programming129

4-1 Introduction129

4-2 Implicit Enumeration130

4-3 Cutting-Plane Technique164

5 Branch-and-Bound Technique193

5-1 Introduction193

5-2 Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Assignment Problem194

5-3 Branch-and-Bound Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problem202

5-4 Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Integer Programming211

5-5 Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Backpack-loading Problem217

5-6 Algorithm 5.4—General Algorithm for the Branch-and-Bound Technique233

6 Deterministic Inventory Models242

6-1 Introduction242

6-2 Infinite Delivery Rate with No Backordering244

6-3 Finite Delivery Rate with No Backordering250

6-4 Infinite Delivery Rate with Backordering253

6-5 Finite Delivery Rate with Backordering257

6-6 Summary259

7 Sequencing Problems262

7-1 Introduction262

7-2 Two-Machine Sequencing Problem263

7-3 N-Job,Three-Machine Sequencing Problem278

Part Two Probabilistic Operations Research Models293

8 Basic Probability and-Statistical Concepts293

8-1 Introduction293

8-2 Basic Probability293

8-3 Random Variables299

8-4 Discrete Random Variables300

8-5 Continuous Random Variables308

8-6 Selecting the Appropriate Distribution317

9 Regression Analysis326

9-1 Introduction326

9-2 Polynomial Regression329

9-3 Simple Linear Regression348

9-4 Summary379

10 Decision Theory383

10-1 Introduction383

10-2 Minimax Decision Procedure385

10-3 Bayes Decision Procedure without Data386

10-4 Bayes Decision Procedure with Data388

10-5 Regret Function vs.Loss Function398

11 Game Theory402

11-1 Introduction402

11-2 Minimax-Maximin Pure Strategies403

11-3 Mixed Strategies and Expected Payoff406

11-4 Solution of 2×2 Games409

11-5 Relevant Rows and Columns411

11-6 Dominance412

11-7 Solution of 2×n Games415

11-8 Solution of m×2 Games423

11-9 Brown’s Algorithm425

12 PERT434

12-1 Introduction434

12-2 PERT Network435

12-3 Time Estimates for Activities(ET)437

12-4 Earliest Expected Completion Time of Events(TE)439

12-5 Latest Allowable Event Completion Time(TL)440

12-6 Event Slack Times(SE)442

12-7 Critical Path442

12-8 Probability of Completing Events on Schedule443

12-9 Computer Program for PERT Analysis446

13 Queueing Theory454

13-1 Introduction454

13-2 Notation and Assumptions455

13-3 Queueing Models with Poisson Input-Exponential Service459

13-4 Queueing Models with Poisson Input—Arbitrary Service Time486

13-5 Summary494

14 Simulation497

14-1 Introduction497

14-2 Simulation of a Single-Queue,Single-Server Queueing System499

14-3 Generation of Random Variates516

14-4 Simulation Languages523

15 Probabilistic Inventory Models528

15-1 Introduction528

15-2 Single-Period Models529

15-3 Multiperiod Models544

15-4 Summary561

16 Markov Chains564

16-1 Introduction564

16-2 Formulation of Markov Chains565

16-3 First-Passage Time580

16-4 Computer Program for Markov Analysis584

16-5 Summary590


Appendix A Tables593

Table A.1 Cumulative Normal Distribution Function593

Table A.2 Critical Values for Chi-Square Test594

Table A.3 Critical Values of Din the Kolmogorov-Smirnov One-Sample Test595

Table A.4 Critical Values for F Test with α=0.05596

Table A.5 Critical Values for F Test with α=0.01597

Appendix B Derivation of Queueing Formulas598

Appendix C Gauss-Jordan Method for Solving a System of Linear Equations603

