MACROECONOMICS【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

- ISBN:071675228X
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:488页
- 文件大小:120MB
- 文件页数:573页
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Part 1 What Is Economics?1
Introduction The Ordinary Business of Life1
Any Given Sunday1
The Invisible Hand2
My Benefit,Your Cost3
Good Times,Bad Times4
Onward and Upward4
An Engine for Discovery4
Chapter1 First Principles5
Common Ground5
Individual Choice:The Core of Economics6
Resources are scarce6
Opportunity cost:The real cost of something is what you must give up to get it7
For Inquiring Minds:Got a Penny?8
“How much?” is a decision at the margin8
People usually exploit opportunities to make themselves better off9
For Inquiring Minds:Pay for Grades?10
Individual choice:Summing it up10
Economics in Action:A Woman’s Work10
Interaction:How Economies Work11
There are gains from trade12
Markets move toward equilibrium13
For Inquiring Minds:Choosing Sides13
Resources should be used as efficiently as possible to achieve society’s goals14
Markets usually lead to efficiency15
When markets don’t achieve efficiency,government intervention can improve society’s welfare16
Economics in Action:Restoring Equilibrium on the Freeways16
A Look Ahead17
Chapter2 Economic Models:Trade-offs and Trade20
Tunnel Vision20
Models in Economics:Some Important Examples21
For Inquiring Minds:Models for Money21
Trade-offs:The production possibility frontier22
Comparative advantage and gains from trade26
Pitfalls:Misunderstanding Comparative Advantage29
Comparative advantage and international trade29
Transactions:The circular-flow diagram30
Economics in Action:Rich Nation,Poor Nation33
Using Models34
Positive versus normative economics34
When and why economists disagree35
For Inquiring Minds:When Economists Agree36
Economics in Action:Economists in Government36
A Look Ahead37
Chapter 2 Appendix:Graphs in Economics41
Getting the Picture41
Graphs,Variables,and Economic Models41
How Graphs Work41
Two-variable graphs41
Curves on a graph43
A Key Concept:The Slope of a Curve44
The slope of a linear curve44
Horizontal and vertical curves and their slopes45
The slope of a nonlinear curve46
Calculating the slope along a nonlinear curve47
Maximum and minimum points48
Graphs That Depict Numerical Information49
Types of numerical graphs49
Problems in interpreting numerical graphs52
Part2 Supply and Demand56
Chapter3 Supply and Demand56
Gretzky’s Last Game56
Supply and Demand:A Model of a Competitive Market57
The Demand Curve57
The demand schedule and the demand curve58
Shifts of the demand curve59
Understanding shifts of the demand curve60
Economics in Action:Beating the Traffic62
The Supply Curve63
The supply schedule and the supply curve63
Shifts of the supply curve64
Understanding shifts of the supply curve66
Economics in Action:Down(and Up) on the Farm67
Supply,Demand,and Equilibrium68
Pitfalls:Bought and Sold?68
Finding the equilibrium price and quantity68
Why do all sales and purchases in a market take place at the same price?69
Why does the market price fall if it is above the equilibrium price?70
Why does the market price rise if it is below the equilibrium price?70
Using equilibrium to describe markets70
Economics in Action:A Fish Story71
Changes in Supply and Demand72
What happens when the demand curve shifts72
What happens when the supply curve shifts73
Pitfalls:Which Curve Is It,Anyway?74
Simultaneous shifts in supply and demand74
For Inquiring Minds:Supply,Demand,and Controlled Substances76
Economics in Action:Plain Vanilla Gets Fancy76
Competitive Markets—and Others77
A Look Ahead78
Chapter4 The Market Strikes Back83
Big City,Not-So-Bright Ideas83
Why Governments Control Prices84
Price Ceilings84
Modeling a price ceiling85
Why a price ceiling causes inefficiency86
For Inquiring Minds:The Rent Control Aristocracy88
So why are there price ceilings?88
Economics in Action:Oil Shortages in the 1970s89
Price Floors90
For Inquiring Minds:Price Floors and Butter Cookies92
Why a price floor causes inefficiency92
So why are there price floors?93
Economics in Action:“Black Labor” in Southern Europe93
Controlling Quantities95
The anatomy of quantity controls95
The costs of quantity controls98
Economics in Action:The Clams of New Jersey99
A Surprise Parallel:Taxes99
Why is a tax like a quota?99
Who pays an excise tax?100
The revenue from an excise tax101
The costs of taxation102
For Inquiring Minds:If Selling Cigarettes Is a Crime,Only Criminals will Sell Cigarettes103
Economics in Action:Who Pays the FICA?103
A Look Ahead104
Chapter5 Consumer and Producer Surplus109
Making Gains by the Book109
Consumer Surplus and the Demand Curve110
Willingness to pay and the demand curve110
Willingness to pay and consumer surplus111
How changing prices affect consumer surplus113
For Inquiring Minds:I Want a New Drug115
Economics in Action:When Money Isn’t Enough116
Producer Surplus and the Supply Curve116
Cost and producer surplus116
Changes in producer surplus119
Economics in Action:Gaining from Disaster120
Consumer Surplus,Producer Surplus,and the Gains from Trade121
The gains from trade121
The efficiency of markets:A preliminary view122
A few words of caution125
Economics in Action:eBay and Efficiency126
Applying Consumer and Producer Surplus:The Efficiency Costs of a Tax127
Deadweight loss and elasticities130
Economics in Action:Missing the Boats132
A Look Ahead133
Part 3 Introduction to Macroeconomics138
Chapter6 Macroeconomics:The Big Picture138
Disappointed Graduates138
Microeconomics versus Macroeconomics140
Macroeconomics:The whole is greater than the sum of its parts140
Macroeconomic policy141
Long-run growth141
Economic aggregates142
Economics in Action:The Great Depression142
The Business Cycle144
For Inquiring Minds:Defining Recessions and Expansions145
Employment and Unemployment145
Aggregate output146
Taming the business cycle148
Economics in Action:Has the Business Cycle Been Tamed?148
Long-Run Economic Growth149
For Inquiring Minds:When Did Long-Run Growth Start?150
Economics in Action:The Difference a Point Makes150
Inflation and Deflation151
Economics in Action:A Fast(Food) Measure of Inflation153
The Open Economy153
Economics in Action:North of the Border155
A Look Ahead156
Chapter7 Tracking the Macroeconomy159
After the Revolution159
The National Accounts160
The circular-flow diagram,revisited and expanded160
Gross domestic product163
Calculating GDP164
For Inquiring Minds:OurImputed Lives165
Pitfalls:GDP:What’s In and What’s Out166
For Inquiring Minds:Gross What?167
What GDP tells us168
Economics in Action:Creating the National Accounts168
Real GDP and Aggregate Output169
Calculating real GDP169
A technical detail:“Chained” dollars170
What real GDP doesn’t measure171
Economics in Action:Good Decades,Bad Decades172
The Unemployment Rate173
Understanding the unemployment rate173
Growth and unemployment175
Economics in Action:Jobless Recoveries176
Price Indexes and the Aggregate Price Level176
Market baskets and price indexes177
The consumer price index178
Other price measures179
For Inquiring Minds:Is the CPI Biased?180
Economics in Action:Indexing to the CPI180
A Look Ahead181
Part 4:The Economy in the Long Run186
Chapter8 Long-Run Economic Growth186
The Bad Old Days186
Comparing Economies Across Time and Space187
Real GDP per capita187
Pitfalls:Change in Levels versus Rate of Change188
Growth rates189
Economics in Action:The Luck of the Irish190
The Sources of Long-Run Growth191
The crucial importance of productivity191
Explaining growth in productivity191
Accounting for growth:the aggregate production function192
For Inquiring Minds:The Wal-Mart Effect193
Pitfalls:It May Be Diminished…But It’s Still Positive194
What about natural resources?196
Economics in Action:The Information Technology Paradox197
Why Growth Rates Differ198
Savings and investment spending198
Foreign investment199
Research and development200
For Inquiring Minds:Inventing R&D201
Political stability,propetyy rights,and excessive government intervention201
Economics in Action:The Brazilian Breadbasket201
Success,Disappointment,and Failure202
The East Asian miracle203
Latin America’s disappointment204
Africa’s troubles204
Economics in Action:Are Economies Converging?205
A Look Ahead206
Chapter9 Savings,Investment Spending,and the Financial System210
A Hole in the Ground210
Matching Up Savings and Investment Spending211
Pitfalls:Investment versus Investment Spending211
The savings-investment spending identity211
Pitfalls:The Different Kinds of Capital214
For Inquiring Minds:Who Enforces the Accounting?216
The market for loanable funds216
Savings,investment spending,and government policy219
Economics in Action:Budgets and Investment Spending in the 1990s221
The Financial System221
Three tasks of a financial system222
Types of assets225
Financial intermediaries226
Economics in Action:Banks and the South Korean Miracle228
Financial Fluctuations229
The demand for stocks229
For Inquiring Minds:How Now,Dow Jones?230
Stock market expectations230
Stock prices and macroeconomics231
Economics in Action:“Irrational Exuberance”232
A Look Ahead233
Part5 Short-Run Economic Fluctuations236
Chapter10 Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand236
Shocks to the system236
Aggregate Supply237
The short-run aggregate supply curve237
For Inquiring Minds:What’s Truly Flexible,What’s Truly Sticky239
Shifts of the short-run aggregate supply curve240
The long-run aggregate supply curve242
From the short run to the long run244
Pitfalls:Are We There Yet?What the Long Run Really Means245
Economics in Action:Prices and Output in the Great Depression245
Aggregate Demand246
Why is the aggregate demand curve downward-sloping?247
Shifts in the aggregate demand curve248
Pitfalls:Changes in Wealth:A Movement Along versus a Shift of the Aggregate Demand Curve249
Government policies and aggregate demand249
Economics in Action:Moving Along the Aggregate Demand Curve,1979-80250
The Multiplier251
The AS-AD Model254
Short-run macroeconomic equilibrium255
Shifts of the SRAS curve256
Shifts in aggregate demand:Short-run effects257
Long-run macroeconomic equilibrium258
Economics in Action:Supply Shocks versus Demand Shocks in Practice260
Macroeconomic Policy261
For Inquiring Minds:Keynes and the Long Run262
Policy in the face of demand shocks262
Responding to supply shocks263
Economics in Action:The End of the Great Depression263
A Look Ahead264
Chapter11 Income and Expenditure269
Be a Patriot and Spend269
Consumer Spending270
Current disposable income and consumer spending270
Shifts of the aggregate consumption function273
Economics in Action:Famous First Forecasting Failures274
Investment Spending276
The interest rate and investment spending276
Expected future real GDP,production capacity,and investment spending277
Inventories and unplanned investment spending278
Economics in Action:A Tale of Two Investment Spending Slumps279
Behind Shifts of the Aggregate Demand Curve:The Income-Expenditure Model280
Planned aggregate spending and real GDP281
Income-expenditure equilibrium283
Pitfalls:Income-Expenditure Equilibrium versus Short-Run Macroeconomic Equilibrium284
The multiplier process and inventory adjustment285
Economics in Action:Bad Times in Buenos Aires288
A Look Ahead288
Chapter11 Appendix:Deriving the Multiplier Algebraically292
Chapter12 Fiscal Policy293
A Bridge to Prosperity?293
Fiscal Policy:The Basics294
Taxes,purchases of goods and services,government transfers,and borrowing294
The government budget and total spending295
For Inquiring Minds:Investment Tax Credits296
Expansionary and contractionary fiscal policy296
A cautionary note:Lags in fiscal policy298
Economics in Action:Expansionary Fiscal Policy in Japan298
Fiscal Policy and the Multiplier299
Multiplier effects of an increase in government purchases of goods and services299
Multiplier effects of changes in government taxes and transfers300
How taxes affect the multiplier301
Economics in Action:How Much Bang for the Buck?302
The Budget Balance304
The budget balance as a measure of fiscal policy304
The business cycle and the cyclically adjusted budget balance305
Should the budget be balanced?307
Economics in Action:Stability Pact—or Stupidity Pact?307
Long-Run Implications of Fiscal Policy308
Deficits,surpluses,and debt308
Pitfalls:Deficits versus Debt309
Problems posed by rising government debt309
Deficits and debt in practice310
For Inquiring Minds:What Happened to the Debt from World War Ⅱ?312
Implicit liabilities312
Economics in Action:Argentina’s Creditors Take a Haircut313
A Look Ahead315
Chapter 12 Appendix:Taxes and the Multiplier319
Chapter13 Money,Banking,and the Federal Reserve System321
A Waggon-Way Through the Air321
The Meaning of Money322
What is money?322
Pitfalls:Plastic and the Money Supply322
Roles of money323
Types of money323
Measuring the money supply324
For Inquiring Minds:What’s with All the Currency?325
Economics in Action:The History of the Dollar325
The Monetary Role of Banks326
What banks do326
The problem of bank runs327
Bank regulation328
For Inquiring Minds:Is Banking a Con?328
Economics in Action:It’s a Wonderful Banking System329
Determining the Money Supply330
How banks create money330
Reserves,bank deposits,and the money multiplier331
The money multiplier in reality332
Economics in Action:Multiplying Money Down333
The Federal Reserve system334
The Fed:America’s central bank334
What the Fed does:Reserve requirements and the discount rate335
Open-market operations336
Economics in Action:Building Europe’s Fed338
A Look Ahead338
Chapter14 Monetary Policy342
Eight Times a Year342
The Demand for Money343
The opportunity cost of holding money343
The money demand curve345
Prices and the demand for money345
Shifts of the real money demand curve347
The velocity approach to money demand348
Economics in Action:A Yen for Cash349
Money and Interest Rates350
The equilibrium interest rate350
Two models of interest rates?351
Pitfalls:The Target versus the Market351
Monetary policy and the interest rate351
For Inquiring Minds:Long-Term Interest Rates353
Economics in Action:The Fed Takes Action353
Monetary Policy and Aggregate Demand354
Expansionary and contractionary monetary policy354
Monetary policy and the multiplier356
Two models of interest rates,revisited357
Economics in Action:The Fed and the Output Gap,1985-2004359
Money,Output,and Prices in the Long Run360
Short-run and long-run effects of an increase in the money supply360
Monetary neutrality361
The interest rate in the long run362
Economics in Action:International Evidence of Monetary Neutrality363
A Look Ahead364
Part 6 The Supply Side and the Medium Run368
Chapter15 Labor Markets,Unemployment,and Inflation368
Two Paths to Unemployment368
The Nature of Unemployment369
For Inquiring Minds:Full Employment—It’s the Law369
Job creation and job destruction369
Frictional unemployment370
Structural unemployment371
The natural rate of unemployment373
Changes in the natural rate of unemployment374
Economics in Action:Eurosclerosis376
Unemployment and the Business Cycle377
The output gap and the unemployment rate377
Okun’s law379
Pitfalls:When is a “Law” Not a Law379
Economics in Action:Jobless Recoveries380
Why Doesn’t the Labor Market Move Quickly to Equilibrium?380
Economics in Action:Sticky Wages in the Great Depression382
Unemployment and Inflation:The Phillips Curve382
The short-run Phillips curve383
For Inquiring Minds:The Aggregate Supply Curve and the Short-Run Phillips Curve384
Inflation expectations and the short-run Phillips curve385
The long-run Phillips curve387
The natural rate,revisited388
Economics in Action:From the Scary Seventies to the Nifty Nineties388
A Look Ahead389
Chapter16 Inflation,Disinflation,and Deflation393
Hourly Wages393
Money and Inflation394
Money and prices,revisited394
For Inquiring Minds:Indexing to Inflation397
The inflation tax397
The Logic of Hyperinflation398
Economics in Action:Money and Prices in Brazil,1985-1995399
Effects of Inflation400
Winners and losers from unexpected inflation400
Expected inflation and interest rates401
The costs of inflation403
The optimal rate of inflation405
For Inquiring Minds:A Case for Deflation?405
Economics in Action:Inflation and Interest Rates in the United States406
Moderate Inflation and Disinflation407
Causes of moderate inflation407
The problem of disinflation407
Economics in Action:The Great Disinflation of the 1980s408
Effects of unexpected deflation410
Effects of expected deflation410
Economics in Action:Japan’s Trap411
A Look Ahead411
Part 7 Events and Ideas415
Chapter17 The Making of Modern Macroeconomics415
Purge the Rottenness?415
Classical Macroeconomics416
Money and the price level416
The business cycle417
Economics in Action:When did the business cycle begin?417
The Great Depression and the Keynesian Revolution418
Keynes’s theory418
For Inquiring Minds:The Politics of Keynes420
Policy to fight recessions420
Economics in Action:The End of the Great Depression421
Challenges to Keynesian Economics422
The revival of monetary policy422
Inflation and the natural rate of unemployment425
The political business cycle425
Economics in Action:The Fed’s Flirtation with Monetarism426
Rational Expectations,Real Business Cycles,and New Classical Macroeconomics426
Rational expectations427
Real business cycles?427
For Inquiring Minds:Supply-side Economics428
Economics in Action:Total Factor Productivity and the Business Cycle428
The Modern Consensus429
Is expansion and monetary policy helpful in fighting recessions?430
Is fiscal policy effective in fighting recessions?430
Can monetary and/or fiscal policy reduce unemployment in the long run?430
Should fiscal policy be used in a discretionary way?430
Should monetary policy be used in a discretionary way?431
The clean little secret of macroeconomics432
Economics in Action:After the Bubble432
A Look Ahead433
Part 8 The Open Economy436
Chapter18 International Trade436
A Rose by Any Other Nation436
Comparative Advantage and International Trade437
Production possibilities and comparative advantage,revisited438
The gains from international trade440
Pitfalls:The Pauper Labor Fallacy441
Sources of comparative advantage441
For Inquiring Minds:Does Trade Hurt Poor Countries?442
For Inquiring Minds:Increasing Returns and International Trade443
Economics in Action:The Comparative Advantage of the United States444
Supply,Demand,and International Trade444
The effects of imports445
The effects of exports447
International trade and factor markets448
Economics in Action:Trade,Wages,and Land Prices in the Nineteenth Century449
The Effects of Trade Protection450
The effects of a tariff450
The effects of an import quota452
Economics in Action:Trade Protection in the United States452
The Political Economy of Trade Protection453
Arguments for trade protection453
For Inquiring Minds:Bittersweet454
The politics of trade protection454
International trade agreements and the World Trade Organization455
Economics in Action:Declining Tariffs455
A Look Ahead456
Chapter19 Open-Economy Macroeconomics460
Euro Dilemmas460
Capital Flows and the Balance of Payments461
Balance of payments accounts461
For Inquiring Minds:GDP,GNP,and the Current Account464
Modeling private international capital flows464
Underlying determinants of international capital flows467
For Inquiring Minds:Twin Deficits?467
Economics in Action:The Golden Age of Capital Flows468
The Role of the Exchange Rate469
Understanding exchange rates469
Pitfalls:Which Way Is Up?470
The equilibrium exchange rate470
Inflation and real exchange rates473
Purchasing power parity475
For Inquiring Minds:Burgernomics476
Economics in Action:The Dollar and the Deficit476
Exchange Rate Policy478
Exchange rate regimes478
How can an exchange rate be held fixed?478
The exchange rate regime dilemma480
For Inquiring Minds:From Bretton Woods to the Euro481
Economics in Action:China Pegs the Yuan482
Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Policy482
Devaluation and revaluation of fixed exchange rates483
Monetary policy under floating exchange rates483
International business cycles484
Economics in Actions:The Joy of a Devalued Pound485
Solutions to “Check Your Understanding”Questions489
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