
光学 第4版【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

光学 第4版
  • (印)加塔克著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302222453
  • 出版时间:2010
  • 标注页数:513页
  • 文件大小:58MB
  • 文件页数:539页
  • 主题词:光学-高等学校-教材-英文


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1.History of Optics1


2.What is Light?17

2.1 Introduction17

2.2 The Corpuscular Model17

2.3 The Wave Model19

2.4 The Particle Nature of Radiation21

2.5 Wave Nature of Matter22

2.6 The Uncertainty Principle23

2.7 The Single Slit Diffraction Experiment24

2.8 The Probabilistic Interpretation of Matter Waves25

2.9 An Understanding of Interference Experiments26

2.10 The Polarization of a Photon28

2.11 The Time-energy Uncertainty Relation30




References and Suggested Readings32

Part 1 Geometrical Optics34

3.Fermat's Principle and Its Applications35

3.1 Introduction35

3.2 Laws of Reflection and Refraction from Fermat's Principle36

3.3 Ray paths in an Inhomogeneous Medium40

3.4 The Ray Equation and its Solutions44

3.5 Refraction of Rays at the Interface between an Isotropic Medium and an Anisotropic Medium50



References and Suggested Readings56

4.Refraction and Reflection by Spherical Surfaces57

4.1 Introduction57

4.2 Refraction at a Single Spherical Surface58

4.3 Reflection by a Single Spherical Surface59

4.4 The Thin Lens60

4.5 The Principal FOCI and Focal Lengths of a Lens61

4.6 The Newton Formula63

4.7 Lateral Magnification63

4.8 Aplanatic Points of a Sphere64

4.9 The Cartesian Oval66

4.10 Geometrical Proof for the Existence of Aplanatic Points66

4.11 The Sine Condition67



References and Suggested Readings70

5.The Matrix Method in Paraxial Optics71

5.1 Introduction71

5.2 The Matrix Method72

5.3 Unit Planes77

5.4 Nodal Planes78

5.5 A System of Two Thin Lenses79



References and Suggested Readings82


6.1 Introduction83

6.2 Chromatic Aberration83

6.3 Monochromatic Aberrations86



References and Suggested Readings95

Part 2 Vibrations and Waves97

7.Simple Harmonic Motion,Forced Vibrations and Origin of Refractive Index99

7.1 Introduction99

7.2 Simple Harmonic Motion99

7.3 Damped Simple Harmonic Motion103

7.4 Forced Vibrations105

7.5 Origin of Refractive Index107

7.6 Rayleigh Scattering111



References and Suggested Readings114

8.Fourier Series and Applications115

8.1 Introduction115

8.2 Transverse Vibrations of a Plucked String118

8.3 Application of Fourier Series in Forced Vibrations119

8.4 The Fourier Integral120



References and Suggested Readings122

9.The Dirac Delta Function and Fourier Transforms123

9.1 Introduction123

9.2 Representations of the Dirac Delta Function123

9.3 Integral Representation of the Delta Function124

9.4 Delta Function as a Distribution124

9.5 Fourier Integral Theorem125

9.6 The Two and Three Dimensional Fourier Transform127



10.Group Velocity and Pulse Dispersion131

10.1 Introduction131

10.2 Group Velocity131

10.3 Group Velocity of a Wave Packet135

10.4 Self Phase Modulation141



References and Suggested Readings145

11.Wave Propagation and the Wave Equation147

11.1 Introduction147

11.2 Sinusoidal Waves:Concept of Frequency and Wavelength149

11.3 Types of Waves150

11.4 Energy Transport in Wave Motion150

11.5 The One-dimensional Wave Equation151

11.6 Transverse Vibrations of a Stretched String152

11.7 Longitudinal Sound Waves in a Solid153

11.8 Longitudinal Waves in a Gas154

11.9 The General Solution of the One-dimensional Wave Equation155



References and Suggested Readings160

12.Huygens'Principle and Its Applications161

12.1 Introduction161

12.2 Huygens'Theory161

12.3 Rectilinear Propagation162

12.4 Application of Huygens'Principle to Study Refraction and Reflection163

12.5 Huygens'Principle in Inhomogeneous Media169



References and Suggested Readings170

Part 3 Interference171

13.Superposition of Waves173

13.1 Introduction173

13.2 Stationary Waves on a String173

13.3 Stationary Waves on a String Whose Ends are Fixed175

13.4 Stationary Light Waves:Ives and Wiener's Experiments176

13.5 Superposition of Two Sinusoidal Waves176

13.6 The Graphical Method for Studying Superposition of Sinusoidal Waves177

13.7 The Complex Representation179



References and Suggested Readings180

14.Two Beam Interference by Division of Wavefront181

14.1 Introduction181

14.2 Interference Pattern Produced on the Surface of Water182

14.3 Coherence185

14.4 Interference of Light Waves186

14.5 The Interference Pattern187

14.6 The Intensity Distribution188

14.7 Fresnel's Two-mirror Arrangement193

14.8 Fresnel Biprism194

14.9 Interference with White Light195

14.10 Displacement of Fringes195

14.11 The Lloyd's Mirror Arrangement196

14.12 Phase Change on Reflection196



References and Suggested Readings198

15.Interference by Division of Amplitude199

15.1 Introduction199

15.2 Interference by a Plane Parallel Film when Illuminated by a Plane Wave200

15.3 The Cosine Law201

15.4 Non-reflecting Films203

15.5 High Reflectivity by Thin Film Deposition205

15.6 Reflection by a Periodic Structure206

15.7 Interference by a Plane Parallel Film when Illuminated by a Point Source210

15.8 Interference by a Film with Two Non-parallel Reflecting Surfaces212

15.9 Colours of Thin Films215

15.10 Newton's Rings216

15.11 The Michelson Interferometer220



References and Suggested Readings224

16.Multiple Beam Interferometry225

16.1 Introduction225

16.2 Multiple Reflections from a Plane Parallel Film225

16.3 The Fabry-perot Etalon227

16.4 The Fabry-perot Interferometer229

16.5 Resolving Power230

16.6 The Lummer-Gehrcke Plate233

16.7 Interference Filters234



References and Suggested Readings235


17.1 Introduction237

17.2 The Linewidth239

17.3 The Spatial Coherence240

17.4 Michelson Stellar Interferometer242

17.5 Optical Beats243

17.6 Coherence Time and Linewidth via Fourier Analysis245

17.7 Complex Degree of Coherence and Fringe Visibility in Young's Double-hole Experiment246

17.8 Fourier Transform Spectroscopy248



References and Suggested Readings254

Part 4 Diffraction255

18.Fraunhofer Diffraction:Ⅰ257

18.1 Introduction257

18.2 Single-slit Diffraction Pattern258

18.3 Diffraction by a Circular Aperture262

18.4 Directionality of Laser Beams264

18.5 Limit of Resolution269

18.6 Two-slit Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern271

18.7 N-slit Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern274

18.8 The Diffraction Grating277

18.9 Oblique Incidence280

18.10 X-ray Diffraction281

18.11 The Self-focusing Phenomenon285

18.12 Optical Media Technology-an Essay287



References and Suggested Readings292

19.Fraunhofer Diffraction:Ⅱ and Fourier Optics293

19.1 Introduction293

19.2 The Fresnel Diffraction Integral293

19.3 Uniform Amplitude and Phase Distribution295

19.4 The Fraunhofer Approximation295

19.5 Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Long Narrow Slit295

19.6 Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Rectangular Aperture296

19.7 Fraunhofer Diffraction by a Circular Aperture297

19.8 Array of Identical Apertures298

19.9 Spatial Frequency Filtering299

19.10 The Fourier Transforming Property of a Thin Lens302



References and Suggested Readings304

20.Fresnel Diffraction305

20.1 Introduction305

20.2 Fresnel Half-period Zones306

20.3 The Zone-plate308

20.4 Fresnel Diffraction—A More Rigorous Approach310

20.5 Gaussian Beam Propagation312

20.6 Diffraction by a Straight Edge314

20.7 Diffraction of a Plane Wave by a Long Narrow Slit and Transition to The Fraunhofer Region319



References and Suggested Readings324


21.1 Introduction325

21.2 Theory327

21.3 Requirements330

21.4 Some Applications330



References and Suggested Readings333

Part 5 Electromagnetic Character of Light335

22.Polarization and Double Refraction337

22.1 Introduction337

22.2 Production of Polarized Light340

22.3 Malus'Law343

22.4 Superposition of Two Disturbances344

22.5 The Phenomenon of Double Refraction347

22.6 Interference of Polarized Light:Quarter Wave Plates and Half Wave Plates351

22.7 Analysis of Polarized Light354

22.8 Optical Activity355

22.9 Change in the SoP(State of Polarization)of a Light Beam Propagating Through an Elliptic Core Single Mode Optical Fiber356

22.10 Wollaston Prism358

22.11 Rochon Prism359

22.12 Plane Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Media360

22.13 Ray Velocity and Ray Refractive Index364

22.14 Jones Calculus366

22.15 Faraday Rotation367

22.16 Theory of Optical Activity368



References and Suggested Readings373

23.Electromagnetic Waves375

23.1 Maxwell's Equations375

23.2 Plane Waves in a Dielectric376

23.3 The Three-dimensional Wave Equation in a Dielectric378

23.4 The Poynting Vector379

23.5 Energy Density and Intensity of an Electromagnetic Wave382

23.6 Radiation Pressure383

23.7 The Wave Equation in a Conducting Medium384

23.8 The Continuity Conditions385

23.9 Physical Significance of Maxwell's Equations386



References and Suggested Readings389

24.Reflection and Refraction of Electromagnetic Waves391

24.1 Introduction391

24.2 Reflection at an Interface of Two Dielectrics391

24.3 Reflection by a Conducting Medium404

24.4 Reflectivity of a Dielectric Film405



References and Suggested Readings408

Part 6 Photons409

25.The Particle Nature of Radiation411

25.1 Introduction412

25.2 The Photoelectric Effect412

25.3 The Compton Effect414

25.4 The Photon Mass418

25.5 Angular Momentum of a Photon418



References and Suggested Readings421

Part 7 Lasers & Fiber Optics423

26.Lasers:An Introduction425

26.1 Introduction425

26.2 The Fiber Laser432

26.3 The Ruby Laser433

26.4 The He-Ne Laser435

26.5 Optical Resonators436

26.6 Einstein Coefficients and Optical Amplification440

26.7 The Line-shape Function446

26.8 Typical Parameters for a Ruby Laser447

26.9 Monochromaticity of the Laser Beam448

26.10 Raman Amplification and Raman Laser449



References and Suggested Readings454

27.Fiber Optics Ⅰ:Basic Concepts and Ray Optics Considerations455

27.1 Introduction456

27.2 Some Historical Remarks456

27.3 Total Internal Reflection458

27.4 The Optical Fiber460

27.5 Why Glass Fibers?461

27.6 The Coherent Bundle461

27.7 The Numerical Aperture462

27.8 Attenuation in Optical Fibers463

27.9 The Attenuation Limit465

27.10 Pulse Dispersion in Multimode Optical Fibers465

27.11 Dispersion and Maximum Bit Rates468

27.12 Fiber Optic Sensors469


References and Suggested Readings470

28.Fiber Optics Ⅱ:Basic Waveguide Theory and Concept of Modes471

28.1 Introduction471

28.2 Te Modes of a Symmetric Step Index Planar Waveguide472

28.3 Physical Understanding of Modes475

28.4 Te Modes of a Parabolic Index Planar Waveguide477

28.5 Tm Modes of a Symmetric Step Index Planar Waveguide478

28.6 Waveguide Theory and Quantum Mechanics478


References and Suggested Readings481

29.Fiber Optics Ⅲ:Single Mode Fibers483

29.1 Introduction483

29.2 Basic Equations483

29.3 Guided Modes of a Step Index Fiber485

29.4 Single Mode Fiber488

29.5 Pulse Dispersion in Single Mode Fibers489

29.6 Dispersion Compensating Fibers491


References and Suggested Readings494

Appendix A:Gamma Functions and Integrals Involving Gaussian Functions A495

Appendix B:Evaluation of the Integral B497

Appendix C:Diffraction of a Gaussian Beam C498

Appendix D:TE and TM Modes in Planar Waveguides D499

Name Index I509

Subject Index I501
