
石材与工程建筑 2 园林石材册 中英文本【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

石材与工程建筑 2 园林石材册 中英文本
  • 溪石集团发展有限公司,世联石材数据技术有限公司主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国建材工业出版社
  • ISBN:7802271436
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:376页
  • 文件大小:21MB
  • 文件页数:384页
  • 主题词:建筑材料-石料


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石材与工程建筑 2 园林石材册 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载


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地面石材铺设工程 Floor Paving Engineering with Stone3

1.路面工程铺设类型 Types of Road Paving Engineering3

1.1.人行道路铺设 Walkway Paving3

1.2.路面铺石常见的形态种类 Common Types and Appearances of Road Stone Paving6

1.2.1.块状石 Lumpish stone6

1.2.2.板状石 Slab stone41

1.2.3.扁形石 Flat stone61

1.2.4.冲压石 Compressed stone66

1.2.5.小石子 Pebble69

1.2.6.雕刻路面 Carve road surface88

1.2.7.混合尺寸组合 Integration of multi-sized stone93

1.2.8.拼花、拼接的路面 Mosaic pattern and splicing road surface98

1.2.9.多材质铺设的路面 The road surface pave by many materials101

1.2.10.拼接构成细部 Splice to details103

1.3.园林小道 Path in Park105

1.4.路缘石 Curbstone109

1.5.障碍行道设计 Obstacle Road Designing111

2.广场整体铺设 Integrated Paving in Square113

2.1.主题性广场 Square with Theme113

2.2.网格状划分 Net-Patterned Division115

2.3.圆、环状划分 Round and Circular-Patterned Division119

2.4.扇形划分 Fan-Patterned Division120

2.5.带状划分 Strip-Patterned Division121

3.地面工程常见表面加工方式 Common Way of Surface Processing for Ground Stone Engineering122

1.1.日式水景 Japanese-styled Waterscape127

1.水景 Waterscape127

景观工程 Landscaping Engineering127

1.2.欧式水景 European-styled Waterscape135

1.3.中式水景 Chinese-styled Waterscape145

2.景观 Landscape158

灯笼 Lantern158

3.景观建筑 Landscaping Building162

3.1.景观墙 Landscaping Wall162

3.2.景观柱 Landscaping Pillar165

3.3.景观球 Landscaping Ball171

3.4.景观亭 Landscaping Pavilion173

3.5.塔 Tower178

3.6.牌门 Pylon Gate180

4.1.彩石的应用 Application of Colorful Stone185

4.自然奇石 Natural strange stone185

4.2.柱状形自然石 Pillar-Shaped Natural Stone187

4.3.自然石摆设 Natural Stone Decoration188

4.4.奇石盆景 Landscape Potted with Strange Stone193

5.仿自然景观 Nature-Imitated Landscape194

雕塑·雕刻 Sculpturing and Engraving197

1.景物雕刻 Scenery Sculpturing and Engraving197

仿自然生物情趣雕刻 Natural Creature-Imitated Carving197

2.景观雕塑 Landscaping Sculpture207

2.1.抽象雕塑 Abstract Sculpturing207

2.2.审美性雕塑 Aesthetic Sculpturing211

2.3.主题性雕塑 Sculpture with Theme214

2.4.校园雕塑 Sculpture on Campus215

2.5.城市雕塑 Sculpture of City's Symbol216

3.中式雕刻 Chinese-Styled Sculpturing222

3.1.传统景物雕刻 Traditional Scenery Sculpturing222

3.2.古典(民间)人物雕刻 Classic(Folk)Figure Sculpturing226

3.3.纪念性人物雕刻 Memorial Figure Sculpturing228

3.4.故事人物雕刻 Story Figure Sculpturing230

3.5.情趣人物雕刻 Interesting Figure Sculpturing231

4.欧式雕刻 European-Styled Engraving236

人物雕刻 Figure Sculpturing236

5.日式雕刻 Japanese-Styled Sculpturing264

休闲景物雕刻 Leisure Scenery Sculpturing264

1.户外桌椅板凳 Outdoor Table,Chair and Stone Bench267

园林设施 Gardens Facility267

2.花、草坛 Flower and Grass Demijohn272

3.地灯 Floorlight307

3.1.自然石雕刻的地灯 Floorlight Made of Engraved Natural Stone307

3.2.精雕的地灯 Delibrately Engraved Floorlight308

3.3.现代灯柱 Modern Light-pillar311

4.音响 Stereo Set312

5.车止石 Parking Stone313

6.卫生箱 Dustbin315

7.石篱笆 Stone Fence316

8.户外栏杆 Outdoor Railing318

8.1.板状式 Plank-Shaped Railing318

8.2.栅栏式 Fence-Shaped Railing326

8.3.栏柱头 Railing Chapiter331

9.台阶 Step334

9.1.块石构成 Steps of Block Stone334

9.2.贴石台阶 Steps Paved with Slab335

9.3.台阶的表面处理 Surface Processing of Step336

9.4.台阶形状 Appearance of Steps338

10.招牌、标识、碑刻、指示物 Signboard,Mark,Tablet Inscription and Guide340

10.1.招牌、标识 Signboard and Mark340

10.2.碑刻 Tablet Inscription348

10.3.警言、指示 Warning and Guide351

10.4.介绍、说明 Introduction and Description353

11.拱桥 Arch Bridge355

1.1.拱式门 Arch-Shaped Gate359

1.围墙大门 Gate of Bounding Wall359

园林配套 Park Ingredients359

1.2.柱式门 Pillar-Shaped Gate361

1.3.特色门 Characterized Gate364

1.4.门柱头 Chapiter of Gate Post366

2.围墙 Bounding Wall369

2.1.石块型 Bounding Wall of Block369

2.2.条石型 Bounding Wall of Bar370

2.3.建筑型 Brick-Laid Bounding Wall371

2.4.与其他材料混合 Bounding Wall of Mixed Materials372

3.地漏设计 Floor Drainage Designing373

4.水岸 Water Bank374

5.护坡 Slope Protection376
