YEARBOOK OF PRIVE INTERNATIOAL LAW VOLUME XIII-2011【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

- ISBN:3866532274
- 出版时间:2012
- 标注页数:701页
- 文件大小:33MB
- 文件页数:711页
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Multiple Nationalities and EU Private International Law - Many Questions and Some Tentative Answers&Stefania BERMANN1
Parallel Litigation: Is Convergence Possible?&George A. BERMANN21
Private International Law Topics Before the European Court of Human Rights - Selected Judgments and Decisions (2010-2011)&Patrick KINSCH37
The Powers of the English Court to Support an Arbitration in "Foreign Seat" and "No Seat" Cases&Jonathan HILL51
Border Skirmishes between Courts and Arbitral Tribunals in the EU: Finality in Conflicts of Competence&Christa ROODT91
Conflict of Laws in Emissions Trading&Koji TAKAHASHI145
The CISG Before the Courts of Non-Contracting States? Take Foreign Sales Law as You Find It&Thomas KADNER GRAZIANO165
European Family Private International Law183
The Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Property Consequences of Registered Partnerships&Cristina GONZALEZ BEILFUSS183
The EU Proposal on Matrimonial Property Regimes - Some General Remarks&Ilaria VIARENGO199
The Interaction among the Future EU Instruments on Matrimonial Property, Registered Partnerships and Successions&Andrea BONOMI217
The Coordination of the EU Regulations on Divorce and Legal Separation with the Proposal on Matrimonial Property Regimes&Beatriz CAMPUZANO DIAZ233
Matrimonial Matters and the Harmonization of Conflict of Laws: A Way to Reduce the Role of Public Policy as a Ground for Non-Recognition of Judgments&Simone MARINAI255
Application of Foreign Law273
Harmonization of Private International Law in Europe and Application of Foreign Law: The "Madrid Principles" of 2010&Carlos ESPLUGUES MOTA273
A Proposed Model to Facilitate Access to Foreign Law&Shaheeza LALANI299
News from Brussels315
The EU Optional Instrument: Absorbing the Private International Law Implications of a Common European Sales Law&Mel KENNY / Lorna GILLIES / James DEVENNEY315
News from Rome345
UNIDROIT's Recent Work: An Appraisal&Alessandra ZANOBETTI345
National Reports367
New Provisions on International Jurisdiction of Japanese Courts&Yasuhiro OKUDA367
Introduction to the New Polish Act on Private International Law of 4 February 2011&Tomasz PAJOR381
Codification and Consolidation of Dutch Private International Law: The Book 10 Civil Code of the Netherlands&Mathijs H. TEN WOLDE389
An Overview of the Private International Law of Iran: Theory and Practice (Part Two)&Seyed N. EBRAHIMI413
Application of the EU Private International Law Instruments in Bulgaria&Nikolay NATOV / Boriana MUSSEVA / Teodora TSENOVA /Dafina SARBINOVA / Zahari YANAKEV / Vasil PANDOV443
Trusts and the Principality of Monaco&William EASUN / Geraldine GAZO467
Court Decisions483
Defamation on the Internet, forum delicti and the E-Commerce Directive: Some Comments on the EC J Judgment in the eDate Case&Michael BOGDAN483
The ECJ eDate Decision: A Case Comment&Michel REYMOND493
Exclusive Jurisdiction under Art. 22(2) of the Brussels I Regulation: The ECJ Decision Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe v JP Morgan Chase Bank (C-144/10)&Matthias LEHMANN507
Medical Malpractice and Conflict of Laws: Two Recent Judgments by the German Federal Court of JusticeJan VON HEIN523
Kun FANThe Risks of Apparent Bias when an Arbitrator Acts as a Mediator -Remarks on Hong Kong Court's Decision in Gao Haiyan535
The Relationship between EU Law and Private International Law Revisited: Of Diagonal Conflicts and the Means to Resolve Them&Jeremy HEYMANN557
Cross-Border Credit Protection against Fraudulent Transfers of Assets -Actio pauliana in the Conflict of Laws&Ilaria PRETELLI589
Texts, Materials and Recent Developments641
The New Polish Act on Private International Law of 4 February 2011 (translation by Maciej ZACHARIASIEWICZ)641
Dutch Civil Code Book 10 - On the Conflict of Laws (19 May 2011) (translation by M.H. TEN WOLDE/ J.G. KNOT/N.A. BAARSMA)657
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