
新东方 AP美国历史5分制胜【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

新东方 AP美国历史5分制胜
  • StephenArmstrong著 著
  • 出版社: 西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787560552491
  • 出版时间:2013
  • 标注页数:413页
  • 文件大小:70MB
  • 文件页数:455页
  • 主题词:美国-历史-高等学校-入学考试-美国-自学参考资料-英文


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STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program3

Chapter 1 What You Need to Know About the AP U.S.History Exam3

Background of the Advanced Placement Program3

Questions Frequently Asked About the AP U.S.History Exam5

Chapter 2 How to Plan Your Time8

Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP U.S.History Exam8

Calendar for Each Plan10

STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness17

Chapter 3 Take a Diagnostic Exam17

How and When to Use the Diagnostic Exam18

Conclusion (After the Exam)18

Getting Started:The Diagnostic/Master Exam20

Answers to Diagnostic/Master Exam34

STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success51

Chapter 4 How to Approach Each Question Type51

Multiple-Choice Questions52

Document-Based Essay Questions54

Free-Response Essay Questions54

Reading and Interpreting Primary Source Documents55

Analyzing Primary Source Documents56

STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High61

Chapter 5 The Settling of the Western Hemisphere and Colonial America(1450-1650)61

Native Americans and European Exploration62

The French in Canada62

The English in the Americas63

Effects of English,French,and British Settlement65

Chapter Review65

Chapter 6 The British Empire in America:Growth and Conflict(1650-1750)68

The Impact of Mercantilism69

African Slavery in the Americas70

Continued Unrest in New England71

The Salem Witch Trials71

Wars in Europe and Their Impact on the Colonies71

The Growth of the Colonial Assemblies72

The Era of"Salutary Neglect"72

The Great Awakening73

Chapter Review73

Chapter 7 Resistance,Rebellion,and Revolution(1750-1775)76

Problems on the Frontier77

Additional Conflicts Between the British and Their Colonial"Allies"77

The Policies of George Grenville78

A Sense of Crisis:The Stamp Act78

More Protest:The Townshend Acts79

Continued Tension in Massachusetts80

The Calm Before the Storm:1770-177380

The Boston Tea Party81

The Intolerable Acts81

The First Continental Congress81

Chapter Review82

Chapter 8 The American Revolution and the New Nation(1775-1787)84

The American Revolution85

The Second Continental Congress85

The Declaration of Independence86

The Outbreak of the Revolution:Divisions in the Colonies86

Strategies of the American Revolution87

Washington as Commander87

The War Moves to the South88

The Treaty of Paris89

The Establishment of Governmental Structures in the New Nation89

The Articles of Confederation89

The Northwest Ordinances90

Shays's Rebellion90

Chapter Review91

Chapter 9 The Establishment of New Political Systems(1787-1800)93

Desire for a Stronger Central Government94

Government Under the New Constitution94

The Issue of Slavery95

Ratification of the Constitution95

The Presidency of George Washington95

The Bill of Rights96

Competing Visions:Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson96

The French Revolution97

Foreign Policy and Jay's Treaty98

Washington's Farewell Address98

The Presidency of John Adams98

The Alien and Sedition Acts99

Chapter Review99

Chapter 10 The Jeffersonian Revolution(1800-1820)102

The Election of 1800103

Reform of the Courts103

Westward Expansion104

Political Tensions and the Strange Case of Aaron Burr105

European Wars Spill Over to America(Again)106

The War of 1812106

The American System107

The Missouri Compromise108

Chapter Review108

Chapter 11 The Rise of Manufacturing and the Age of Jackson(1820-1845)111

The Growth of the Factory112

The Monroe Doctrine113

Policy Toward Native Americans113

The Second Great Awakening113

Political Reform:The Jacksonian Era(1829-1841)114

The Election of 1824115

The 1828 Presidential Election115

Jackson as President115

The Nullification Controversy116

The Bank Crisis116

The Whig Party:A Challenge to the Democratic-Republicans117

Chapter Review117

Chapter 12 The Union Expanded and Challenged(1835-1860)120

The Ideology of Manifest Destiny121

"Remember the Alamo!"122

The Pivotal Election of 1844122

War with Mexico123

Political Challenges of the 1850s124

Effects of the Compromise of 1850125

The Presidency of Franklin Pierce125

The Return of Sectional Conflict126

"Bleeding Kansas":Slave or Free?126

The Dred Scott Decision127

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates127

John Brown's Raid127

The Presidential Election of 1860128

Chapter Review128

Chapter 13 The Union Divided:The Civil War(1861-1865)131

Advantages of the North and South in the War132

The Attack on Fort Sumter and the Beginning of the War133

War Aims and Strategies133

Developments in the South and in the North135

The Emancipation Proclamation136

1863:The War Tips to the North136

War Weariness in the North and South137

The End of the Confederacy137

Chapter Review137

Chapter 14 The Era of Reconstruction(1865-1877)140

Lincoln's Plans for Reconstruction141

Andrew Johnson's Plan for Reconstruction142

The Reconstruction Programs of the Radical Republicans143

A Period of Radical Reconstruction143

The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson144

Radical Reconstruction Reinforced144

The End of Reconstruction145

Chapter Review145

Chapter 15 Western Expansion and Its Impact on the American Character(1860-1895)148

Federal Legislation Encourages Western Settlement149

Farming on the Great Plains150

The Transformation of Agriculture on the Plains150

Women and Minorities on the Plains151

Mining and Lumbering in the West151

Ranching in the West152

The Plight of Native Americans152

The Organization of the American Farmer and Populism153

The Impact of the West on American Society155

Chapter Review156

Chapter 16 America Transformed into the Industrial Giant of the World(1870-1910)158

The Growth of Industrial America159

The Changing Nature of American Industry160

The Consolidation of Businesses161

The Growth of Labor Unions162

An Improved Standard of Living?163

The Impact of Immigration on American Society164

The Transformation of the American City165

Politics of the Gilded Age166

Cultural Life in the Gilded Age168

Chapter Review168

Chapter 17 The Rise of American Imperialism(1890-1913)172

A Period of Foreign Policy Inaction173

A Sign of Things to Come:Hawaii174

The 1890s:Reasons for American Imperialism174

The Spanish-American War175

The Role of America:Protector or Oppressor?177

The Debate Over the Philippines177

Connecting the Pacific and the Atlantic:The Panama Canal178

The Roosevelt Corollary178

Chapter Review179

Chapter 18 The Progressive Era(1895-1914)182

The Origins of Progressivism183

The Goals of Progressives184

Urban Reforms184

The Progressives at the State Level185

Women and Progressivism185

Reforming the Workplace186

The Square Deal of Theodore Roosevelt186

Progressivism Under William Howard Taft187

The 1912 Presidential Election188

The Progressive Legacy of Woodrow Wilson188

Did Progressivism Succeed?189

Chapter Review189

Chapter 19 The United States and World War I(1914-1921)192

The American Response to the Outbreak of War193

Increasing American Support for the Allied Powers194

America Moves Toward War194

America Enters the War195

The Impact of the American Expeditionary Force195

The Home Front During World War I196

Keeping America Patriotic196

Woodrow Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles197

The United States and the Middle East198

The Treaty of Versailles and the United States Senate199

The Consequences of American Actions After the War199

Chapter Review199

Chapter 20 The Beginning of Modern America:The 1920s202

A Decade of Prosperity203

Republican Leadership in the 1920s204

The Presidency of Warren G.Harding204

The Scandals of the Harding Administration205

The Presidency of Calvin Coolidge206

The Election of 1928206

Urban vs.Rural:The Great Divide of the 1920s207

Culture in the 1920s209

The Jazz Age209

The Lost Generation210

Chapter Review211

Chapter 21 The Great Depression and the New Deal(1929-1939)214

The American Economy of the 1920s:The Roots of the Great Depression216

The Stock Market Crash217

The Social Impact of the Great Depression218

The Hoover Administration and the Depression218

The 1932 Presidential Election219

The First Hundred Days220

The Second New Deal221

The Presidential Election of 1936222

Opponents of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal223

The Last Years of the New Deal224

The Effects of the New Deal224

New Deal Culture225

Chapter Review225

Chapter 22 World War Ⅱ(1933-1945)228

American Foreign Policy in the 1930s229

The United States and the Middle East in the Interwar Era230

The Presidential Election of 1940 and Its Aftermath231

The Attack on Pearl Harbor231

America Enters the War232

The Role of the Middle East in World War Ⅱ234

The War Against Japan235

The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb235

The Home Front During the War236

Discrimination During the War237

Chapter Review238

Chapter 23 The Origins of the Cold War(1945-1960)241

The First Cracks in the Alliance:1945243

The Iron Curtain243

The Marshall Plan244

Berlin:The First Cold War Crisis245

1949:A Pivotal Year in the Cold War245

The Middle East in the Early Years of the Cold War246

The Cold War at Home247

The Heating of the Cold War:Korea249

The Rise of McCarthyism249

The Cold War Policies of President Eisenhower250

A Dangerous Arms Buildup251

Chapter Review252

Chapter 24 Prosperity and Anxiety:The 1950s255

Economic Growth and Prosperity256

Political Developments of the Postwar Era257

Civil Rights Struggles of the Postwar Period258

The Conformity of the Suburbs259

Chapter Review261

Chapter 25 America in an Era of Turmoil(1960-1975)264

The 1960 Presidential Election265

Domestic Policies Under Kennedy and Johnson266

The Struggle of Black Americans:From Nonviolence to Black Power267

The Rise of Feminism269

The Cold War in the 1960s270

The Vietnam War and Its Impact on American Society270

Chapter Review273

Chapter 26 Decline and Rebirth(1968-1988)276

The Presidency of Richard Nixon277

The Watergate Affair279

The Presidency of Gerald Ford281

The Presidency of Jimmy Carter282

The Election of 1980283

The Presidency of Ronald Reagan283

Chapter Review285

Chapter 27 Prosperity and a New World Order(1988-2000)288

The 1988 Election289

The Presidency of George Bush289

The 1992 Election290

The Presidency of Bill Clinton291

The 2000 Presidential Election293

Chapter Review293

Chapter 28 The Threat of Terrorism,the Increase of Presidential Power,and Potential Economic Disasters(2001-2010)296

9/11 and Its Aftermath297

Events Leading Up to the American Invasion of Iraq297

Operation Iraqi Freedom298

The Effects of the War at Home298

The Victory of Conservatism in the Bush Era299

The United States in Transition:2007-2008301

The Obama Presidency302

Chapter Review303

Chapter 29 Contemporary America:Evaluating the"Big Themes"306

STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence314

AP U.S.History Practice Exam 1314

AP U.S.History Practice Exam 2344




