
牛津法律词典【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

  • (英)伊丽莎白·A·马丁编著;蒋一平 赵文?译 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海翻译出版公司
  • ISBN:7805414796
  • 出版时间:1991
  • 标注页数:634页
  • 文件大小:27MB
  • 文件页数:713页
  • 主题词:


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abandonment 放弃,遗弃,委付1

abatement 减免,排除,中止1



abortion 堕胎2

abet 支持2

abduction 诱拐2

abstract of title 所有权证明摘要3

abstraction of water 窃取用水3

absconding 潜逃3

absence 不到庭,缺席3

absolute assignment 全部转让3

absolute discharge 绝对的释放3

absolute liability 绝对责任3

absolute privilege 绝对特权3

absolute title 绝对权3

acceleration 提前收益4

ACAS(Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service) 咨询、调解和仲裁局4

abuse of process 滥用诉讼程序4

acceptance supra protest(acceptance for honour) 参加承兑5

acceptance of service 接受送达5

acceptance 承诺5

acceptance of a bill 承兑汇票5

acceptance of charge 接受控告5

accommodation bill 通融票据6

accessory 从犯6

accepted accounting standards 公认的会计准则6

access 探视子女权;夫妻房事机会6

accusatorial prccedurs(adversary procedure) 控诉程序(对抗程序)7

accumulation 累积7

accomplice 共犯7

accord and satisfaction 和解和清偿7

account 汇报7

account of profits 利益结算7

accounts 财务报告7

action 诉讼8

acquittal 开释8

acknowledgment 承认8

acknowledgment and undertaking 承认及保证8

acknowledgment of service 承认送达8

Act of Parliament(statute) 议会法(制定法)9

act of God 不可抗力9

active trust(special trust) 自动信托(特殊信托)9

address for service 送达地址10

ad colligenda bona 收集易腐物品10

act of state 国家行为10

actual military service 实际服役10

actual total loss 实际全损10

actus reus 犯罪行为10

adjudication order 破产宣告令11

adjudication 判决,裁定11

ademption 撤销遗赠11

ad hoc settlement 特殊财产授与11

ad hoctrust for sale 特定托卖11

ad idem 一致11

adjective law 程序法11

adjournment 休庭11

administrative powers 行政权12

administration order 财产管理令12

adjustment 理算;调整12

ad litem 诉讼的12

administration 遗产管理12

administration action 遗产接管之诉12

administration bond 财产管理保证金12

admissibility of records 记录的可靠性13

admissibility of evidence 证据的可采纳性13

administrative tribunal 行政法庭13

administrator 遗产管理人13

Admiralty Court 海事法庭13

adoption 收养;采用;通过14

admission 承认14

adoptive relationship 收养关系15

adoption society 收养团体15

adoption agency 收养机构15

adoption order 收养令15

adoption service 收养服务15

adversary procedure 对抗程序16

advancement 预付,垫付16

adulteration 掺杂16

adultery 通奸16

advance corporation tax(ACT) 预付公司税16

Advocate General 首席顾问17

advocate 辩护人17

adverse occupation 敌对的占用17

adverse possession 逆占有17

adverse witness 敌对证人17

advice on evidence 律师对证据的意见17

affirmative pregnant 肯定的含蓄语18

affirm 维持原判;不经宣誓而提供证言;确认18

aequitas est quasi aequalitas 平等即衡平18

affidavit 宣誓证明书18

affiliation order 私生子女的父亲判定令18

affinity 姻亲关系18

agent 代理人;行奸人19

agency 代理关系;代理19

affirmative resolution 肯定决议19

affray 殴斗19

affreightment 租船运货,租船合同19

AG 检察总长19

agreement for a lease 租赁协议20

aggression 侵略20

age of consent 同意年龄20

aggravated assault 加重侵犯人身20

aggravated burglary 加重盗窃罪20

aggravated damages 加重损害赔偿金20

air pollution 空气污染21

air-force law 空军法21

agricultural dwelling-house advisory committee(ADHAC) 农业住房咨询委员会21

agricultural holding 农业租借地21

Agricultural land tribunal 农业土地法庭21

aid and abet 帮凶;协助和支助21

alienation 转让22

alienable 可转让的22

airspace 空间22

alderman 高级市政官22

alibi 以不在现场为理由的申辩22

alien 外国人22

alteration of share capital 股本的变更23

alteration 变更;修改23

alieni juris 他权人23

alimentary trust 扶助性信托23

alimony 生活费23

allegation 陈述;声称23

allegiance 效忠23

allotment 分配23

amend?nt 修正24

ameliorating waste 改良荒地24

alternative verdict 替代裁定24

ambiguity 意思含糊24

ambulatory 可变更的24

ancillary relief 附属救济25

ancillary probate 附加的遗嘱认证25

a mensa etthoro 不共膳宿25

amicus curiae 法庭之友25

amnesty 大赦25

ancient lights 因时效而获得的光线权25

ancillary credit business 辅助信贷业务25

annulment 宣告无效;废除;撤销26

annuity 年金26

animals 动物26

animus 意图26

annexation 并吞26

annual general meeting(AGM) 年度大会26

Annual Practice,The 诉讼实务年报26

annual return 年度报表26

annual value of land 土地年值26

antecedents 先例27

answer 回答;答辩27

annus et dies 一年零一日27

appeal 上诉28

a posteriori 归纳的28

antenuptial settlement 婚前授产28

anticipatory breach 预先违约28

Anton Piller Order 安东·皮勒令28

apology 道歉28

appropriation of payments 款项的拨付29

appropriation 拨款29

appearance 出庭29

appellant 上诉人29

Appellate Committee 上诉委员会29

appellate jurisdiction 上诉审判权29

applying the proviso 适用但书29

appointed day 指定日期29

appointee 被任命人29

appointment 委任29

appointor 任命人29

approbate and reprobate 取其有利部分而拒绝其不利部分29

arbitration 仲裁30

a priori 先验的30

appropriation in aid 辅助性拨款30

approvement 领主的圈地30

approximation of laws 法律的接近30

appurtenant 附属的30

arrest 逮捕31

array 陪审团名单31

arbitration agreement 仲裁协定31

arbitration clause 仲裁条款31

Area Health Authorities 区域卫生当局31

argumentative affidavit 辩论性的宣誓证明书31

armchair principle 扶手椅原则31

arraign 提审31

arrangement 和解31

arrived ship 到岸船舶32

arrest of judgment 停止宣判32

arrestable offence 应逮捕的罪行32

arrested development 受抑制的发展32

assent 认可书33

Assembly of the European Communities(European Parliament) 欧洲共同体议会(欧洲议会)33

arson 纵火罪33

articles of association 公司组织条例33

artificial person 非自然人33

ascertained goods 确定物33

assault 侵犯他人身体33

assignment 让与34

assignee 受让人34

assessor 技术顾问34

assets 资产34

assize 巡回审判35

assisting an offender 协助犯罪者35

assignor 让与人35

attendance centre 照管中心36

attendance 照料36

associated companies 联号36

assurance 保险36

assured tenancy 被保证的租赁36

at sea 海上36

attachment 扣押36

attempt 未遂36

auction 拍卖37

attornment 转让37

attestation 证实37

attorney 代理人37

Attorney General(AG) 检察总长37

authorized investments 核准投资38

authorized capital(nominal capital) 核定资本(名义资本)38

audi alteram partem 倾听另一方陈述38

auditor 审计师38

authority 权力;当局;有权威性的典籍38

autrefois convict 前经定罪39

autrefois acquit 前经宣告无罪39

authorized securities 核准的证券39

automatic directions 自动指令39

automatism 自动性;无意识状态39

autopsy 尸体剖检39

a vinculo matrimonii 离婚40

average 海损40

autre vie 他人在世40

auxiliary jurisdiction 辅助审判权40

award 裁决41

avoidance of disposition order 废止财产处分令41

avoid 作为无效41

bailment 交托42

bailiwick 执达吏辖区42


backed for bail 同意保释42

bail 保释42

bailee 受托人42

bail hostel 保释接待站42

bailiff 执达吏42

bankruptcy 破产43

bank holidays 银行假日43

bailor 交托人43

balance sheet 资产负债表43

barelicensee 单纯特许人44

Bar Council(General Council of the Bar) 律师联合委员会(律师公会)44

bankruptcy notice 破产通知书44

bankruptcy petition 破产申请44

banns 结婚预告44

bar 障碍,栅栏44

Bar 律师业;司法界44

battered child 被殴打的孩子45

bastard 私生子45

bare trust(naked trust,simple trust) 无担保信托(无偿信托,单纯信托)45

barratry 船长或船员的不法行为;教唆诉讼45

barring of entailed interest 废除限定继承权益45

barrister 出庭律师45

basic award 基本金额45

battery 殴打46

battered wife 被殴打的妻子46

beneficiary 受益人47

beneficial owner 受益权人47

bearer 持票人47

Beddoe order 贝多令47

bench 法官席;法官47

Benchers(Masters of the Bench) 法律学院院监47

bench warrant 拘票47

beneficial interest 受益人权益47

bigamy 重婚罪48

bid 出价48

benevolent purposes 善行目的48

Benjamin order 本杰明令48

bequeath 遗赠动产48

bequest 动产遗赠48

best-evidence rule 最佳证据规则48

bestiality 兽奸48

beyond the seas 在海外48

bias 偏见48

bill of costs 讼费清单49

Bill 议案,法案49

bilateral discharge 双边解除49

bill 票据,帐单49

bill of lading 提单50

bill of indictment 起诉书50

bill of exchange 汇票50

blasphemy 亵渎51

Black Rod,Gentleman Usher of the 黑棍侍卫51

bill of sale 抵押借据;卖据51

bind over 具结51

birth 出生51

blackmail 勒索51

bona vacantia 无主财物52

bomb hoax 炸弹恐吓52

blight notice 遭受毁损通知书52

blood relationship 血亲关系52

blood specimen 血样52

blood test 血液检验52

blue book 蓝皮书52

body corporate 法人团体52

borstal 少年犯感化院53

borough court 自治市法院53

bond 保证书;公债;债券;约据53

bonus issue(capitalization issue) 红利股(资本发行股)53

books of account 帐册53

borough 享有特权的自治市53

breach of privilege 侵犯特权的行为54

breach of contract 违约54

bottomry 押船借款54

boundary commissions 边界委员会54

breach of close 侵入他人土地54

breach of confidence 泄露机密54

breakdown of marriage 婚姻破裂55

break clause 中断条款55

breach of statutory duty 违反法定职责55

breach of the peace 妨害治安55

breach of trust 违反信托55

bribery and corruption 贿赂与贪污56

brewster sessions 酿酒会议56

breathalyser 呼吸分析器56

breath specimen 呼吸检样56

breath test 呼吸检验56

British citizenship 不列颠公民身份57

Bristol Tolzey Court 布里斯托尔·托尔泽法院57

bridle way 马行道57

brief 诉讼摘要57

British Overseas citizenship 不列颠海外公民身份58

British Dependent Territories citizen-ship 不列颠属地公民身份58

British Commonwealth 英联邦58

buggery(sodomy) 鸡奸(兽奸)59

brothel 妓院59

British protected person 受不列颠保护的人59

British subject 不列颠国民59

Broadmoor 布罗德穆尔59

burden of proof 举证责任60

Bullock order 布洛克令60

buildinglease 建筑租赁合同60

building preservation notice 保护建筑物通知60

building scheme 建筑方案60

building society 建筑互助会60

burglary 盗窃罪61

byelaw 附例;细则62

buyer 买受人62

business liability 业务责任62

business name 商号名称62

business tenancy 商业租赁62

cannabis 大麻类63

cancellation 废除63


C 诏书的前缀63

Cabinet 内阁63

call 接纳;催交股款63

calling the jury 选出陪审团63

capital allowance 资本免税额64

capital 资本64

canonical disability 教会承认的无能为力64

capacity of a childin criminallaw 刑法中儿童的行为能力64

capacity to contract 订约能力64

capias 拘捕令64

capital punishment 死刑65

capital money 资本金额65

capital gains tax 资本收益税65

capitalization issue 资本发行股65

careless driving 不谨慎驾驶66

care and control 照管和监督66

capital redemption reserve 资金赎回准备金66

capitaltransfertax(CTT) 资金转移税66

care proceedings 照管诉讼67

care order 照管令67

carless statement 不谨慎陈述67

care or control 照管或监督67

case stated 判案述要68

case law 判例法68

cargo 货物68

carriage of goods by air 空运货物68

carrier 承运人68

carrier's lien 承运人的留置权68

cartel 交战国之间交换俘虏的协议;卡特尔68

case 诉讼;案件;案情68

causation 因果关系69

causa causans 直接原因69

casus belli 宣战原因69

casus omissus 无明文规定者69

catching bargain(unconscionable bargain) 条件苛刻的合同(不合理的合同)69

cattle trespass 牲畜侵犯行为69

caution 警告,告诫70

causing death by reckless driving 因鲁莽驾驶而导致死亡70

cause 诉讼;原因70

Cause Book 诉讼手册70

Cause List 诉讼案件表70

cause of action 诉讼原因,案由70

Central Arbitration Committee 中央仲裁委员会71

Cd 诏书的前缀71

caveat 要求停止某些行动的警告71

caveat actor 行为人自慎71

caveat emptor 购者自慎71

caveat subscriptor 签署人自慎71

caveat venditor 出卖人自慎71

certiorari 调卷令72

Certification Officer 认证官员72

Central Criminal Court 中央刑事法院72

Central Office 中央办公厅72

certificate of incorporation 公司注册证书72

chain of representation 连锁代理73

cestui que vie 终身享有人73

certum est quod certum reddi potest 可确定者则确定之73

cessate grant 展期核准73

cesser 中止73

cesser clause 责任终止条款73

cestui quetrust 信托受益人73

cestui que use 有用益权的人73

change of name 更改姓名74

Chancery Masters 大法官庭低级司法官74

challenge to jury 对陪审团提出的异议74

chambers 议事室74

Chancellor of the Exchequer 财政大臣74

Chancery Division 大法官庭74

charge 控告;指示;负担75

character 品格75

charitable trust 慈善信托76

charging order 扣押债务人名下财产以抵偿债务令76

chargeable gain 应纳税的收益76

charge by way of legal mortgage 通过合法抵押的土地负担76

charge certificate 负担证76

charge sheet 案情记录76

charges register 负担登记76

charging clause 收费条款76

charterparty 租船合同77

charter 特许77

charity 慈善机关77

Charity Commissioners 慈善机关管理署77

child abuse 虐待儿童,摧残儿童78

child 儿童;子女78

chastisement 惩罚78

chattel 动产78

cheat 诈骗78

cheque 支票78

cheque card 支票卡78

chief rent 主要地租78

child protection in divorce 离婚时对子女的保护79

child of the family 家庭子女79

child destruction 杀婴79

child employee 童工79

Church of England 英国国教80

chose 所有物;动产80

child stealing 拐带儿童80

Chiltern Hundreds,stewardship of the 奇尔特恩百家村管事80

citizen's arrest(private arrest) 公民所作的逮捕(私人逮捕)81

citation 传讯;传票;援引81

c.i.f.(cost,insurance,freight)contract 到岸价格合同81

circuit administrator 巡回行政官81

circuit judge 巡回法官81

circuit system 巡回制81

circumstantial evidence(indirect evidence) 情况证据(间接证据)81

civil liability contribution 民事责任分摊82

civil law 国内法;罗马法;民法82

Citizenship of the UK and Colonies 联合王国及殖民地公民身份82

City Code on takeovers and mergers 有关接管与合并的城市法典82

City of London 伦敦城82

civil court 民事法院82

classification of animals 动物分类83

class gift 赠于某一类人的礼物83

Civil List 王室年俸83

civil remedy 民事救济83

Civil Service 文职人员83

civil wrong 民事过错83

claim 权利要求;请求权83

claim of privilege 要求享受特权83

clean hands 清白84

clean break 彻底解决84

class meeting 某类股东的会议84

class rights 某类股份的权利84

clog on the equity of redemption 对衡平法赎回权的阻碍85

client 诉讼委托人,当事人85

clearance 出(入)港证;解除85

clearance area 出空区85

ClerkoftheHouse 众议院秘书85

Clerk of the Parliaments 上议院秘书85

clerk to the justices(justices'clerk,magistrates'clerk) 法院书记官(法官的书记官,治安法官的书记官)85

closed-shop agreement 只雇用某一工会会员的协议86

close company 封闭式公司86

close 围地86

code 法典87

coastal waters 近海水域87

close of pleadings 诉辩结束87

closing order 封闭令87

closure 终止辩论87

club 俱乐部87

Cmd 诏书的前缀87

Cmnd 诏书的前缀87

cohabitation 同居88

cognates 同族88

code of practice 工作守则88

codicil 遗嘱附录88

codifying statute 编纂性法规88

coercion 强迫88

collision clause(running-down clause) 船舶碰撞条款(相撞条款)89

collective responsibility 集体负责制89

collateral 旁系的;附属的;附属担保品89

collateral contract 附属合同89

collective agreement 劳资协议89

collective bargaining 集体谈判89

commission 委任;署;委员会;佣金;委托90

Commercial Court 商事法庭90

collusion 共谋;串通90

colony 殖民地90

colourable 似是而非的90

Command Papers 诏书90

committal for sentence 拘押待判91

Commissions for Local Administration 地方管理委员会91

commissioner for oaths 监誓官91

Commission for Racial Equality 种族平等委员会91

Commission of the European Communities 欧洲共同体委员会91

Committee of the Whole House 全院委员会92

committee of inspection 监查委员会92

committal for trial 拘押待审92

committal in civil proceedings 民事诉讼中的拘押92

common law 普通法,习惯法93

common land 共用地93

common 共用权93

common assault 普通侵犯人身93

common carrier 公共承运人93

common duty of care 普通照管责任93

common fund basis 共同基金准则93

Commonwealth(British Commonwealth) 联邦(英联邦)94

Common Serjeant 伦敦法务官94

common-law marriage 普通法婚姻94

Common Market 共同市场94

common mistake 共有错误94

common money bond 普通金钱担保书94

Community Law(EEC Law) 共同体法律(欧洲经济共同体法律)95

community land 公共土地95

commonwealth citizen 联邦公民95

commorientes 指定为同时死亡者95

community 社区95

community home 公共教养所95

Companies Registry 公司注册处96

companies register 公司登记簿96

Community legislation 共同体立法96

community of assets(community of property) 资产的共有(共有财产)96

community service order 社会服务令96

commutative contract 平衡合同96

CompaniesCourt 公司法庭96

compensation 赔偿金97

compellable witness 强迫作证的证人97

company 公司97

company meeting 公司会议97

company member 公司股东97

company name 公司名称97

company secretary 公司秘书97

competence (证人的)能力98

compound settlement 土地协议文书99

compounding an offence 就某一罪行妥协99

complainant 控诉人99

complaint 控诉99

completely constituted trust 完全设定的信托99

completion 完成99

composition 和解协议99

compound 妥协99

concealed fraud 隐瞒事实的诈欺100

computer documents 计算机文件100

compromise 和解100

compulsory purchase 强制购买100

compulsory winding-up by the court 法院强制结业100

concurrent sentence 合并服刑101

concurrent lease 并存租借101

concealment 隐瞒101

concealment of securities 藏匿证券101

concert party(consortium) 一致行动的当事人(财团)101

conclusive evidence 决定性证据101

concurrent interests 并存权益101

concurrent jurisdiction 共同管辖101

conditional interest 附条件的权益102

conditional discharge 附条件的释放102

concurrent tortfeasors 并发侵权人102

concurrent writ 令状副本102

condition 条件102

conditional admissibility 附条件的可采纳性102

conditional agreement 附条件的协议102

confession 供认103

conference 会议,讨论103

conditional sale agreement 附条件的买卖协议103

condition precedent 先决条件103

condition subsequent 解除条件103

condominium 共管;共有103

condonation 宽恕103

consent 同意104

consensus ad idem 就同一标的达成协议104

confession and avoidance 供认与规避104

confidential communication 机密内情104

conflict of laws 法律冲突104

confusion of goods 货物的混杂104

conjugal rights 夫妻权利104

connivance 纵容;默许104

consanguinity(blood relationship) 血缘(血亲关系)104

consecutive sentences 连续服刑104

Consolidated Fund 统一基金105

consideration 对价105

conservation area 保护区105

conspiracy 共谋106

consortium 配偶权利;财团106

consolidating statute 统一法规106

consolidation of actions 合并诉讼106

consolidation of mortgages 抵押合并106

constitutional conventions 宪法性规约107

constitution 宪法107

constable 警察107

constituency 选区107

constructive notice 推定通知108

constructive malice 推定恶意108

construction 解释108

constructive 推定的108

constructive desertion 推定遗弃108

constructive dismissal 推定解雇108

constructive fraud(legal fraud) 推定诈欺(法律上的诈欺)108

consumer goods 消费品109

consumer-credit register 消费信贷登记簿109

constructive total loss 推定全损109

constructive trust 推定信托109

consumer-credit agreement 消费信贷协议109

consumer-credit business 消费信贷业务109

consummation of a marriage 婚姻的完成110

consumer trade practice 消费品贸易业务110

consumer-hire agreement 消费租用协议110

consumer-hire business 消费租用业务110

consumer protection 消费者保护110

contentious business 讼争事件111

contemptuous damages 歧视性的损害赔偿金111

contemporanea expositio 当时的解释111

contempt of court 藐视法庭(罪)111

contempt of Parliament 藐视议会111

continuous employment 长期性雇用112

continuous bail 连续性保释112

contentious probate business 有争议的遗嘱认证事务112

continental shelf 大陆架112

contingent interest(contingent remainder) 不确定权益(附条件的剩余土地承受权)112

contingent legacy 不确定遗赠112

contingent remainder 附条件的剩余土地承受权112

contract 合同113

contra bonos mores 违反善良道德113

contraband 违禁品113

contract of service 劳务合同114

contract of sale 买卖合同114

contract of employment(contract of service) 雇用合同(劳务合同)114

contract of exchange(commutative contract) 交换合同(平衡合同)114

contract of record 记录合同114

controlled drugs 受控制的药物115

contributory negligence 与有过失115

contract under seal 盖印合同115

contribution 分摊115

contributory 负连带偿还责任的人115

conversion 侵占;变换116

convention 公约116

controlled mortgage 受控制的抵押116

controlled tenancy 受控制的租赁116

controlled trust 受控制的信托116

controller 控制人116

conveyancing 转让117

conveyance 转让证书,转让;运输工具117

converted tenancy 被变换的租赁117

co-respondent 离婚诉讼中的通奸人119

copyright 版权119

conviction 定罪119

copyhold 登录的不动产保有权119

corpus delicti 犯罪事实120

corporeal hereditament 有体不动产120

coroner 验尸官120

corporate personality 法人人格120

corporation(body corporate) 法人(法人团体);公司120

corporation tax 公司税120

costs 诉讼费用;费用121

cost,insurance,freight 到岸价格121

corroboration 确证121

corrupt and illegal practices 贪污及非法行为121

corruption 贪污121

corruption of public morals 败坏公共道德121

Council of Legal Education 法律教育委员会122

council housing 公共房屋122

costs draftsman 费用清单草拟人122

costs follow the event 费用随事件而定122

costsinany event 不问诉讼结果的费用122

costsinthe cause 诉讼进行中的费用122

costs reserved 保留费用122

costs thrown away 抛弃的费用122

Council for the Securities Industry 证券业委员会122

county 郡123

counterclaim 反诉123

Council of Ministers of the European Communities 欧洲共同体部长理事会123

Council on Tribunals 法庭委员会123

counsel 辩护人123

Counsellors of State 国家顾问123

count 罪状123

court martial 军事法庭124

Court for Consideration of Crown Cases Reserved 审议被保留的刑事案件法院124

county council 郡议会124

county court 郡法院124

course of employment 就业过程124

court 法院,法庭;宫廷124

Court of Common Pleas 高等民事法院125

Court of Chivalry 骑士法院125

Court of Appeal 上诉法院125

Court of Arches 拱门法院125

Court of Chancery 衡平法法院,大法官庭125

Court of Justice of the European Communities(European Court) 欧洲共同体法院(欧洲法院)126

court of inquiry 调查法庭126

Court of Criminal Appeal 刑事上诉法院126

Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved 教会诉讼保留法院126

Court of Exchequer 财政法院126

Court of first instance 初审法院126

covenant running with the land 有关土地的契约127

covenant 规约127

court of last resort 终审法院127

Court of Probate 遗嘱认证法庭127

Court of Protection 保护法庭127

Court of Queen's Bench 王座法院127

court of record 记录法院127

Court of Session 苏格兰最高民事法院127

Court of Summary jurisdiction 即决裁判法院127

court order 法院指令127

credit 信贷;可信性128

coverture 已婚妇女的法律身份128

covenant to repair 修缮规约128

crime 罪行129

credit sale agreement 信贷买卖协议129

credit limit 信贷限制129

creditor 债权人;信贷人129

cross-appeals 互相上诉130

criminal violence 刑事暴行130

crimen falsi 伪造罪130

criminal bankruptcy order 刑事破产令130

criminal court 刑事法院130

criminal damage 刑事损害130

Criminal Injuries Compensation Board 刑事伤害赔偿委员会130

criminal libel 刑事诽谤130

Crown Court 刑事法院131

Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations 英联邦采办处131

cross-examination 反诘131

Crown 君主、王室、王国政府131

cruelty 虐待132

Crown servant 王国政府公务员132

Crown Court rules 刑事法院规则132

Crown privilege 王室特权132

Crown proceedings 王室诉讼132

custody disputes 监护争执133

custody 羁押;监护133

cum testamento annexo 附有遗嘱的遗产管理证书133

cur.adv.vult(c.a.v.) 延期判决133

curtain provisions 隐蔽条款133

custodianship order 监护令133

custodian trustee 监护受托人133

cy-près doctrine 近似原则134

customs duty 关税134

custody of child 儿童的监护134

custom 习惯134

damages 损害赔偿金135

damage 损害135


DailyCause List 每日诉讼案件表135

dangerous things 危险品136

dangerous machinery 危险机器136

dangerous animals 危险动物136

dangerous driving 危险驾驶136

dangerous intoxication 危险的醉酒136

debt 债款;债务137

de bonis non administratis 属于未分配的财产137

dawn raid 突然行动137

days of grace 宽限日期137

day-training centre 全日制训练中心137

death 死亡137

death duties 死亡税137

death penalty 死刑137

de bane esse 暂先处理137

debenture 债券137

de bonis asportatis 有关被取走的货物137

deception 诈骗138

deceit 欺骗138

debt adjusting 债务理算138

debt collecting 债款收集138

debtor 债务人138

debtor-creditor agreement 债务人-债权人协议138

debtor-creditor-supplier agreement 债务人-债权人-供应人协议138

declaration concerning public or general rights 有关公权或一般权利的声明139

declaration concerning pedigree 有关世系的声明139

declaration 声明;宣告139

declaration against interest 违反利益的声明139

decree nisi 非绝对判决140

decree absolute 绝对判决140

declaration in course of duty 履行责任过程中的声明140

declaration of intention 意向声明140

declaration of trust 信托声明140

declaratory judgment 宣告性的判决140

decree 法令;裁定;判决140

deed of covenant 约据141

deed of arrangement 和解文据141

deed 契据141

defamation 诽谤(罪);毁坏名誉142

de facto 事实上142

deed of gift 赠与契据142

deed poll 单边契据142

deemed 视为142

defective equipment 有瑕疵的设备143

defect 瑕疵,缺点143

default 不履行责任;缺席143

default notice 违约通知143

default summons 违约传票143

del credere agent 保付货价的代理人144

de jure 法律上144

defective premises 有瑕疵的房舍144

defective products 有瑕疵的产品144

defence 辩护;申辩144

defendant 被告144

deferred debt 延迟债务144

deferred sentence 延迟判决144

defrauding 诈欺144

delegation 代理;委托145

delegated legislation(subordinate legislation) 授权立法(附属立法)145

demurrage 滞期费146

demonstrative legacy 指示遗赠146

delegatus non potest delegare 代理人无权委托他人代理146

de lege ferenda 属于(或有关)即将实施的法律146

de lege lata 属于(或有关)正在实施的法律146

delivery 交付146

demanding with menaces 以威吓向人提出要求146

de minimis non curatlex 法律不问小事146

demise 租让146

demise of the Crown 王位继承146

deposit 保证金;担保品147

depose 宣誓作证147

departure 越轨诉讼行为147

dependant 受扶养人147

dependent relative revocation 附属性相对撤销147

dependent territory 属地147

deportation 驱逐出境147

deposition 作证;证词148

detain 拘留149

de son tort 本人的错误行为149

deprave 腐蚀149

derivative action 派生诉讼149

derivative deed 派生契据149

derivative trust 派生信托149

desertion 遗弃;擅离职守149

development 发展;开发150

devastavit 怠忽管理遗产的责任150

detention centre 拘留中心150

determinable interest 可终止的权益150

deterrence 威慑150

detinue 收回非法占有动产的诉讼150

devise 不动产遗赠151

devil 代撰书状的助手151

development land(community land) 开发土地(公共土地)151

development land tax 土地开发税151

development plan 开发计划151

deviation 偏航151

direct evidence(original evidence) 直接证据(原始证据)152

diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权152

devolution 授与权力;产权转移152

dictum (法官的)意见152

dilapidation 坍毁152

diminished responsibility 减轻责任152

Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP) 检察长;公诉人153

Director General of Fair Trading 公平贸易总监153

direct examination 直接询问153

direction to jury 对陪审团指导153

directly applicable law 可直接适用的法律153

director 董事153

discharge 解除;释放154

disbar 取消律师资格154

disabled person 残疾人154

disablement benefit 残废补助金154

disabling statute 剥夺资格法154

disclosure of information 揭示资料;情况的公开155

disclosure of documents 揭示文件155

discharge of contract 合同的解除155

disclaimer 弃权155

disclosure 揭示155

discovery and inspection of documents 文件的披露和审查156

discontinuance of action 中止诉讼156

disclosure of interest 利益公开156

dismissal 解雇157

dishonour 拒绝承兑票据157

discretion 自由裁量157

discretionary trust 可自由支配的信托157

discrimination 歧视157

disentailing deed 撤销限定继承权契据157

disentailment 解除限定继承权157

disposal of uncollected goods 未领取的货物的处理158

disparagement of goods 贬抑货物158

dismissalof action 驳回诉讼158

dismissal procedures agreement 解雇程序协议158

dismissal statement 解雇陈述书158

disorderly house 娼妓所158

disqualification 取消资格159

disposition 处理;习性159

district 区160

distribution 分配160

dissolution 解除;解散160

distinguishing a case 区别案件160

distortion of competition 反常竞争160

distrain 扣押动产160

distress 扣押160

distress damage feasant 损害赔偿的留置权160

distress for rent 欠租扣押160

dividend 股息161

disturbance 权利的侵犯;权利的撤除161

district auditors 区审计师161

district council 区议会161

district registrars 地区登记官161

district registry 地区登记处161

distringas 扣押令161

Divorce Registry 离婚登记处162

divorce by mutual consent 协议离婚162

divisible contract 可分合同162

division 分组表决162

Divisional Court 分区法庭162

Divisions of the High Court 高等法院分庭162

divorce 离婚162

doli capax 有犯罪能力163

dogs 狗163

dock brief 减免无钱被告费用的辩护163

doctrine of incorporation 合并的学说163

document 文件163

documentary evidence 书面证据163

Dominions 自治领164

dominant tenement 需役地164

domestic agreements 家庭协议164

domestic premises 家庭房舍164

domestic tribunal 内部裁判庭164

domestic violence 家庭暴行164

domicile 住所164

driving licence 驾驶执照165

driver 驾驶人165

donatio mortis causa 临终前的赠与165

double portions 得双份遗产165

DPP 检察长,公诉人165

drunken driving 酒后驾驶166

drugs 药物166

driving-test order 驾驶考试令166

driving while unfit 不宜驾驶时驾驶166

driving while disqualified 取消资格期间的驾驶166

driving without a licence 无执照驾驶166

driving without insurance 未经保险而驾驶166

drunkenness 酗酒167

during Her(or His)Majesty's pleasure 王上欢乐期间168

duress 胁迫168

dualism 二元论168

dubitante 可疑的168

duces tecum 带同证物出庭令168

dum casta vixerit 贞居期168

dum sola 独身期间168

duplex querela 双重控诉168

durante absentia 缺席期间168

dying declaration 临终遗言169

duty to convert 变换财产的责任169

duty 职责;税169

duty of care 照管责任169

duty solicitors 责任事务律师169

ecclesiastical courts 教会法院170

easement of light 采光地役权170


earned income 赚得的收入170

easement 地役权170

Elder Brethren 高年资人员171

ejusdem generis rule 同类规则171

education authorities 教育当局171

EEC(European Economic Community) 欧洲经济共同体171

EEC law 欧洲经济共同体法律171

effective date of termination 有效的终止期171

ei qui affirmat non ei qui negat incumbit probatio 举证责任在于确认之人,而不在于否认之人171

embezzlement 侵吞172

eleemosynary corporation 慈善法人团体172

election 选举;选择172

elector 选民172

electronic surveillance 电子监视172

employees'share scheme 受雇人的股份安排173

employees'inventions 受雇人的发明173

emblements 庄稼173

emergency powers 非常时期的权力173

eminent domain 国家征用权173

emoluments 薪酬173

empanel 列入陪审团名单173

employee 受雇人,雇员173

enabling statute 授权法规174

Employment Appeal Tribunal(EAT) 劳资上诉法庭174

employer 雇用人,雇主174

employer and employee 雇主与雇员,雇用人与受雇人174

employers'association 雇主协会174

endorsement(indorsement) 违章记录;背书175

encumbrance(incumbrance) (不动产上设定的)负担175

enacting words 颁布法令说明词175

enactment 法规175

encroachment 侵占175

enfranchise 授予选举权176

enforcement of judgment 执行判决176

endorsement of service 送达背书176

endorsement of writ 令状的背书176

endowment 捐赠;捐赠基金176

enforcement notice 实施通知书176

entailed interest 限定继承权益177

enrolment 登记177

enfranchisement of tenancy 给与自由土地保有权的租借177

engagement to marry 订婚177

engross 誊清文件177

enlarge 扩充177

entrapment 诱使他人犯罪178

entire contract 整体合同178

enter 进入178

entering judgment 登录判决178

Equal Opportunities Commission 机会均等委员会179

equality is equity 平等即衡平179

entry into possession 进入占有179

entry without warrant 无令状进入179

epitome of title 所有权复制本179

equality clause 平等条款179

equitable estate 衡平法上的产权180

equitable easement 衡平法上的地役权180

equal pay 同等工资180

equitable 衡平法上的;公平的180

equitable assignment 衡平法上的转让180

equitable charge 衡平法上的负担180

equitable presumptions 衡平法上的推定181

equitable mortgage(equitable charge) 衡平法上的抵押(衡平法上的负担)181

equitable estoppel 衡平法上的不容翻悔181

equitable execution 衡平法上的执行181

equitable interests 衡平法权益181

equitable lease 衡平法租赁181

equitable lien 衡平法上的留置权181

equity 衡平法;衡平法上的权利;股份182

equitable waste 衡平法上的毁损182

equitable remedies 衡平法上的救济182

equitable rights 衡平法上的权利182

error of law on the face of the record 记录上明显的法律错误183

error 差错;错误183

equity of redemption 衡平法上的赎回权183

estate pur(or per)autre vie 于他人在世时保有的产权184

estate owner 地产所有人184

escape 脱逃184

escrow 暂交第三人保管,待条件完成始成契据的文书184

espionage 间谍活动184

essence of a contract 合同要素184

estate 财产;地产;财产权;遗产184

estate contract 产权合同184

estate duty 遗产税184

estatefor years 非永久性财产184

estoppel 不容翻悔185

estate subsisting at law 法律上有效的地产185

estate rentcharge 地产地租负担185

European Convention on Human Rights 《欧洲人权公约》186

European company 欧洲公司186

estovers 必需品186

estreat (关于罚款或保释金等的)裁判记录的摘录或抄本186

European Communities 欧洲共同体186

evidence 证据187

eviction 逐出租地或房屋187

EuropeanCouncil 欧洲理事会187

EuropeanCourt 欧洲法院187

European Court of Human Rights 欧洲人权法院187

European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体187

European Parliament 欧洲议会187

examination 质询188

ex aequo et bono 出自公正善良188

evidenced in writing 书面证据188

evidence in rebuttal 反驳的证据188

evidence obtained illegally 非法获得的证据188

evidence of character 品质证据188

evidence of disposition 习性证据188

evidence of identity 身份证据188

evidence of opinion 意见性证据188

evidence of user 使用人的证据188

excise duty 消费税189

Exchequer 英国财政部189

examination-in-chief(direct examination) 向本方证人的质询(直接质询)189

examining justices 预审法官189

excepted perils 除外的危险189

exception 抗辩;异议189

exceptional hardship or depravity非常的苦难或堕落189

exchange of contracts 交换合同189

exchange of medical reports 交换诊断报告189

executed 已完成的190

ex debito justitiae 应得的补救权利190

exclusion and restriction of contractual liability 合同责任的免除和限制190

exclusion and restriction of negligence liability 过失责任的免除和限制190

exclusionary rules 排除规则190

exclusion order 驱逐令190

exclusive jurisdiction 专属管辖权190

excusable homicide 可宽恕的杀人190

executor's year 遗嘱执行人的一年191

executor de son tort 无权的遗嘱执行人191

executed trust(completely constituted trust,perfect trust) 已生效的信托(完全设定的信托,完全信托)191

execution 执行;实施;签署191

execution of will 遗嘱的执行191

executor 遗嘱执行人191

exemption clause 豁免条款192

exemplary damages(punitive damages,vindictive damages) 惩戒性损害赔偿金192

executory 待履行的,待生效的192

executory interest 待生效的权益192

executory trust(imperfect trust,incompletely constituted trust) 待生效的信托(不完全的信托,未完全设定的信托)192

ex parte inspection order 单方面检查令193

ex parte 单方面的;为了193

exempt supply 免税供应193

ex gratia 出自恩惠193

exhibit 物证;提出物证193

ex nudo pacto non oritur actio 无偿合约不产生诉讼权利193

ex officio 依职权;当然193

ex officio information 依职权起诉193

ex officio magistrate 当然治安法官193

expropriation 征用194

express trust 明示信托194

expatriation 脱离国籍,移居国外194

expectant heir 期待继承人194

expert opinion 专家意见194

Expiring Laws Continuance Acts 失效法律延续生效法194

explosive 爆炸物194

ex postfacto 有追溯效力的194

expressio unius est exclusio alterius 明示其一即排斥其他194

express term 明示条款194

extrajudicial divorce 司法程序外的离婚195

extradition 引渡195

ex proprio motu(ex mero motu) 出于自动的195

extended sentence 延长刑罚195

extinguishment (权利或义务的)撤销195

extortion 利用职权勒索195

ex turpi causa non oritur actio 不良的起因不能产生诉讼之权196

extrinsic evidence 外部证据196

extraordinary general meeting 非常大会;特别大会196

extraordinary resolution 非常决议196

extraterritoriality 治外法权196

failure to make discovery 疏于披露197

failure to maintain 未尽扶养义务197


fact 事实197

factor 代理商197

factum 事实;行为;契据197

false imprisonment 非法拘禁198

false accounting 伪造帐目198

fair comment 公正评论198

fair dismissal 正当解雇198

fair rent 公平租金198

fair tradin8 公平贸易198

fairwear andtear 正常损耗198

family assets 家庭财产199

family 家庭199

false plea(sham plea) 虚伪申辩199

false pretence 欺诈手段199

false statement 虚假陈述199

false trade description 虚假的商品说明199

falsification of accounts 伪造帐目199

fee 世袭地产200

fatal accidents 不幸事故200

Family Division 家事庭200

family name 家族姓氏200

family provision 家庭供养200

feudal system 封建制度201

ferae naturae 野性201

fee farm rent 自由保有土地租金201

fee simple absolute in possession 绝对占有的无条件继承的不动产201

fee tail 指定继承人继承的不动产201

felony 重罪201

feme covert 已婚女子201

feme sole 独身女子201

fieri feci 执行报告202

fieri facias(fi.fa.) 扣押债务人动产令202

fiction 假设202

fiduciary 受托人;信托性202

financial year 财政年度203

financial relief 经济救助203

fi.fa. 扣押债务人动产令203

final judgment 最后判决203

final process 最后程序203

Finance Bill 财政法案203

financial assistance 财政援助203

financial provision order 经济供养令203

firearm 火器204

fine 罚金,罚款204

fixed term 定期205

fixed-sum credit 固定金额信贷205

fire damage 火灾损失205

fiscal year 财政年度205

fishery 捕鱼权205

fishing interrogatory 不当质询205

fit for habitation 宜于居住205

fitness for purpose 符合于用途205

fixed charge 固定负担205

fixed-date summons 确定日期传票205

footway 人行道206

footpath 小路206

fixture 附属物206

flagrante delicto 现行犯206

floating charge 浮动负担206

flotation 发行(证券)206

f.o.b.(free on board)contract 船上交货合同206

following trust property 追索信托财产206

foreclosure 取消抵押品的赎回权207

foreclose down 赎前消后207

forbearance 宽容履行期限207

force majeure 不可抗力207

forcible entry 强行侵入207

foreign judgments 外国判决208

foreign enlistment 为外国服兵役208

foreign agreement 适用外国法协议208

foreign bill 外国汇票208

foreign company 外国公司208

forfeiture 没收;收回209

foresight 预见209

foreign law 外国法律209

foster child 领养的子女210

forum rei 立案法院210

forgery 伪造210

forum 裁判地210

fraud 诈欺211

franked income 免税收入211

foster parent 领养孩子的男(或女)家长211

four-day order 四日令211

four unities 四项要件211

franchise 特许权;选举权211

fraudulent preference 诈欺性优惠212

fraudulent misrepresentation 诈欺性虚伪陈述212

fraud on a power 以权诈欺212

fraud ontheminority 诈欺持有少数股票的股东212

fraudulent conveyance 诈欺性让与212

free movement 通行自由213

freeing for adoption 自由收养213

fraudulent trading 诈欺性贸易213

freedom from encumbrance 不受负担约束213

freedom of testation 遗嘱自由213

freehold 土地完全保有权213

future lease 未来租赁214

future interest 未来权益214

free on board 船上交货214

frustration of contract 合同受挫214

fugitive offender 逃犯214

full age 成年214

fundamental breach 基本违约214

funeral expenses 丧葬费214

furnished tenancy 配备家俱的租赁214

future goods 期货214

gaming contract 赌约216

gaming(gambling) 赌博216


game 猎物216

general and special damages 一般及特殊的损害赔偿金217

general agent 一般代理人217

garnishee 债权被扣押的第三债务人217

garnishee proceedings 扣押第三债务人保管的财产的诉讼217

gazumping 成交后加价217

GBH 严重身体伤害217

general power 一般委任权218

general meeting 股东大会218

general average 共同海损218

General CounciloftheBar 律师公会218

general equitable charge 衡平法上的一般负担218

general improvement area 全面改良区218

general issue 概括答辩218

general legacy 概括遗赠218

general lien 概括留置权218

genocide 种族灭绝219

Geneva Conventions 日内瓦公约219

general verdict 概括裁定219

general warrant 一般拘捕令或搜查令219

general words 例行文句219

good leasehold title 租借地保有权220

goodfaith 诚意220

ghet 犹太教的离婚220

gift 赠与220

gift over 剩余权益的赠与220

gipsy(gypsy) 吉普赛人220

going public 公开化220

golden rule 金科玉律220

good behaviour 品行良好220

good consideration 善良对价220

grant 转让;授予;批准221

Grand Committees,Scottish and Welsh 苏格兰及威尔士大委员会221

goods 货物221

goodwill 商誉221

government circulars 政府通告221

government department 政府部门221

grievous bodily harm(GBH) 严重身体伤害222

green paper 绿皮书222

grant of representation 代表权的授予222

grantsin aid 补助金222

Gray's Inn 格雷法律学院222

GreaterLondon 大伦敦222

green form 绿色表格222

guarantee 保证223

group accounts 集团帐223

gross 非附属于土地的权利223

gross indecency 粗野猥亵223

gross negligence 严重过失223

ground rent 地租223

guardianship order 监护令224

guardian ad litem 诉讼监护人224

guarantee company 担保公司224

guarantee payment 保证款项224

guard dog 护卫犬224

guardian 监护人224

gypsy 吉普赛人225

guilty mind 犯罪思想225

guillotine 截止审议付诸表决的方法225

guilty 有罪的225

guilty knowledge 犯罪认识225

handling 赃物处理226

half-secret trust(semisecret trust) 半秘密信托226


habeas corpus 人身保护状226

habitual criminal 常业犯226

habitual residence 惯常居所226

Hague Conventions 海牙公约226

Hague Rules 海牙规则226

half a year 半年226

half blood 半血亲226

harassment of occupier 故意为难占用人227

harassment of debtors 折磨债务人227

Hansard 汉萨德;英国议会议事录227

hearsay evidence(second-hand evidence) 传闻证据(第二手证据)228

hearing 听讯;审讯228

harbouring 窝藏228

harmonization of laws 法律的协调228

hay bote 栅栏的利益228

headings 标题228

Health and Safety Commission 健康与安全委员会228

Health Service Commissioners 卫生部门专员228

hereditament 可继承的不动产229

heirs ofthe body 直系继承人229

heir 继承人229

heir apparent 当然继承人229

heirloom 相传动产229

heir presumptive 推定继承人229

hire purchase 租购230

hire 租用;租金230

High Court of Justice (英国)高等法院230

high seas 公海230

hig way 公路230

hijacking 劫机230

homeless person 无家之人231

holograph 亲笔文件231

HM Procurator General 国王的首席检察官231

holder 持票人231

holding company 控股公司231

holding out 自称231

holding over 租期届满后的占有231

hospital order 入院令232

honour clause 不受法律约束的条款232

home-loss payment 被征用家宅而遭受损失的补贴232

Home Secretary 内政大臣232

homicide 杀人罪232

homosexual conduct 同性恋行为232

honorarium 酬金232

House of Commons 下议院233

housebreaking 撬门入屋233

hostage 人质233

hostile witness 敌意证人233

hotchpot 财产混同233

house bote 房屋的利益233

House of Lords 贵族院,上议院234

House of Commons Commissions 下议院委员会234

human rights 人权235

housing trust 住房信托235

housing action area 住房行动区235

housing association 住房协会235

housing association tenancy 住房协会租赁235

Housing Corporation 住房公司235

housing subsidy 住房津贴235

hypothecation 抵押236

hybrid power 混合委任权236

hybrid Bill 混合议案236

illegal contract 非法合同237

ignoring traffic signals 无视交通信号237


identity (在证据法中)身份237

ignorance ofthelaw 不知法律237

ignorantia juris non excusat 不知法律者也不能宽恕237

immigration 移民238

illusory trust 虚幻信托238

illegal practices 非法行为238

illegal trust 非法信托238

illegitimacy 非婚生238

illusory appointment 虚幻的指定238

impeachable waste 可控告的毁损239

imparlance 庭外和解239

Immigration Appeal Tribunal 移民上诉法庭239

immoral contract 不道德的合同239

immovables 不动产239

immunity 豁免239

implied trust 默示信托240

implied term 默示条款240

impeding apprehension or prosecution 阻碍逮捕或控诉240

imperfect gift 不完全赠与240

imperfect trust 不完全的信托240

impersonation 假冒身份240

implied condition 默示条件240

implied contract 默示合同240

implied malice 隐含的恶意240

improvement notice 改进通知241

improvement 改进241

implied use 默示使用权241

importune 拉客241

impossibility of performance 不能履行241

impotence 无性交能力241

imprisonment 监禁241

imputation system 摊算制度242

imputation of unfitness or incompetence 诋毁(某人)不合适或不称职242

imputation 归责242

imputation of unchastity 对不贞行为的推诿242

incitement 煽动243

inchoate 不完全的243

inadmissible reason 不能接受的理由243

inalienability 不能让与243

in camera 不公开审讯243

incapacity 无能力243

incest 乱伦243

Inchmaree clause (船舶保险)疏忽条款243

income tax 所得税244

incitement to racial hatred 煽动种族仇恨244

incorporation by reference 参照合并245

incorporation 成立法人组织245

incompletely constitutedtrust 未完全设定
