偏微分方程 第2卷 第2版 英文【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

- (美)泰勒著 著
- 出版社: 北京;西安:世界图书出版公司
- ISBN:9787510068140
- 出版时间:2014
- 标注页数:614页
- 文件大小:86MB
- 文件页数:632页
- 主题词:偏微分方程-研究生-教材-英文
偏微分方程 第2卷 第2版 英文PDF格式电子书版下载
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7 Pseudodifferential Operators1
1 The Fourier integral representation and symbol classes2
2 Schwartz kernels of pseudodifferential operators5
3 Adjoints and products10
4 Elliptic operators and parametrices15
5 L2-estimates18
6 G?rding's inequality22
7 Hyperbolic evolution equations23
8 Egorov's theorem26
9 Microlocal regularity29
10 Operators on manifolds33
11 The method of layer potentials36
12 Parametrix for regular elliptic boundary problems47
13 Parametrix for the heat equation56
14 The Weyl calculus67
15 Operators of harmonic oscillator type80
8 Spectral Theory91
1 The spectral theorem92
2 Self-adjoint differential operators100
3 Heat asymptotics and eigenvalue asymptotics106
4 The Laplace operator on Sn113
5 The Laplace operator on hyperbolic space123
6 The harmonic oscillator126
7 The quantum Coulomb problem135
8 The Laplace operator on cones149
9 Scattering by Obstacles175
1 The scattering problem177
2 Eigenfunction expansions186
3 The scattering operator192
4 Connections with the wave equation197
5 Wave operators205
6 Translation representations and the Lax-Phillips semigroup Z(t)211
7 Integral equations and scattering poles218
8 Trace formulas;the scattering phase232
9 Scattering by a sphere239
10 Inverse problemsⅠ248
11 InverseproblemsⅡ254
12 Scattering by rough obstacles266
A Lidskii's trace theorem275
10 Dirac Operators and Index Theory281
1 Operators of Dirac type283
2 Clifford algebras289
3 Spinors294
4 Weitzenbock formulas300
5 Index of Dirac operators306
6 Proof of the local index formula309
7 The Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem316
8 Spinc manifolds320
9 The Riemann-Roch theorem325
10 Direct attack in 2-D338
11 Index of operators of harmonic oscillator type345
11 Brownian Motion and Potential Theory361
1 Brownian motion and Wiener measure363
2 The Feynman-Kac formula370
3 The Dirichlet problem and diffusion on domains with boundary375
4 Martingales,stopping times,and the strong Markov property384
5 First exit time and the Poisson integral394
6 Newtonian capacity398
7 Stochastic integrals412
8 Stochastic integrals,Ⅱ423
9 Stochastic differential equations430
10 Application to equations of diffusion437
A The Trotter product formula448
12 The ?-Neumann Problem457
A Elliptic complexes460
1 The ?-complex465
2 Morrey's inequality,the Levi form,and strong pseudoconvexity469
3 The 1/2-estimate and some consequences472
4 Higher-order subelliptic estimates476
5 Regularity viaelliptic regularization480
6 The Hodge decomposition and the ?-equation483
7 The Bergman projection and Toeplitz operators487
8 The ?-Neumann problem on(0,q)-forms494
9 Reduction to pseudodifferential equations on the boundary503
10 The ?-equation on complex manifolds and almost complex manifolds516
B Complements on the Levi form527
C The Neumann operator for the Dirichlet problem531
C Connections and Curvature539
1 Covariant derivatives and curvature on general vector bundles540
2 Second covariant derivatives and covariant-exterior derivatives546
3 The curvature tensor of a Riemannian manifold548
4 Geometry of submanifolds and subbundles560
5 The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for surfaces574
6 The principal bundle picture586
7 The Chern-Weil construction594
8 The Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem598
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