罗贯生作品集 中英文本【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

- 罗贯生著 著
- 出版社: 西安:陕西人民美术出版社
- ISBN:7536820003
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:102页
- 文件大小:59MB
- 文件页数:118页
- 主题词:山水画-作品集-中国-现代
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艺术简历Art biref introduction1
雨润春谷Spring Valley in Rain1
无染Virgin Nature2
万瀑争流Competing Waterfalls3
一种气质,鲜嫩和灿烂An Inclination toward Radiating Freshness and Brightness4
深锁春色Deep-hidden Spring4
水流花开Impassioned Spring5
娇娆西岐Charming Xiqi6
霜挂寒林Frosted Woods6
古壑幽悠Ancient Ravine7
黄花帐不过秀水Striving Brooks against Autumn Inflorescence8
峻壁叠春Layers of Spaing en THE cliffs9
春山叠彩The spring mountain fold colourful10
枫叶似丹秋水如练Fall the waterfall of water11
川塬起绿云Green Cloud on the Hilly Terrains12
碧林初醒山色新Freshly Wakening Mountain Woods13
万树争春Competing for Spring14
独爱秋山颜色多Polychrome Autumn Mountains15
大山情怀Melody of the Mountains16
万绿丛中Among the green17
九寨沟印象Impression on Jiuzhaigou Valley18
粉妆玉琢Clad in White,Adorned in Green19
方偶知万里Messenger of Spring20
布谷声幽Cuckoo sings faraway21
雨过晴云日照红Sunshiny Mountains after the Rain23
万绿丛中有山家Privacy of the Greens24
苍山如海The Rolling Hills Sea-Blue25
生命之源Source of Life26
古塬Ancient old plateau27
渭北春深Mid-Spring on North Wei River28
青山幽谷泉清香Brisk Spring,Shady Dell,and Blue Mountains29
云崖滴翠生岚气Hovering Haze over Solemn Cliffs30
银妆素裹静无声Silent white land31
青山幽谷泉清重Pure spring of secluded valley32
凉山秀水The cool mountain show water33
欲雪Snow is coming34
听山看水Hearing the mountain and water35
日当中天The sun at noon36
层林尽染Colourful forest37
春来了Spring coming38
植根绝壁叶更红Deeper the Root,Mightier the Life39
紫色满山谷Purple Romance40
山雨过后Rain-washed Mountains41
苍岩新绿New Greens on the Old Rocks42
秋风黄山节气凉Much cooler in deep autumn43
幽谷飞瀑Dashing Waterfalls in Quiet Valley44
渭北春早Early Spring on North Wei River45
春谷天籁Nature's Music in Spring Valley46
山魂Anima of Mountain47
春溪雨后急Rushing Spring Torrents48
不是春光Golden Autumn49
春水融融The Peaceful Tune of Spring Water50
瑞雪初晴Aftera Promising Snow51
悠谷泉声Whispering Springs in Secret Valley52
绿绕碧垄好山家Mountain Complex53
土伤Pain of land54
山林初雪The first snow in the mountain55
阅世几沧桑Weather-Stricken Cypresses56
无题Moumful Majesty58
晨霜初收Lifting Morning Frost59
青山依旧Green hills look as before60
圭谷清香Wakenjing Spring Valley61
深谷清泉鸣,花冷林愈静Chilly Trahquility62
大山回音The Echoes63
春风一夜满坡绿The First Touch of Spring64
春晓绿叶秀,空谷清泉流Spring Morning65
霜叶红于二月花Flaming Frosted Woods66
依旧青山绿树多Stills on green hills67
春泉鸣幽Whispering Spring Water68
一夜西风染霜林Woods Frosted Overnight69
泉色如月Nature's Sentiments70
柔水塑山归江河Run to the sea71
又见春风绿山川The spring is again green72
水声如读经The voice of water reading verse73
天寒一夜雪An Overnight Snow74
天鹅曲横山姿奇Wild Swan75
绿色的梦Green Dreams76
有情山石惜细流Lingering Brooks around Tender rocks77
秋山赋Ode of Autumn78
春风解冻绿满山Creeping Greens in the Wakening Mountain Breeze79
春雨濯幽谷Bathing Spring Valley80
谁给苍山开新面The Unseen Exploiters81
泉鸣谷应Nature'e Duetto82
秋霜满林Forested Woods83
秋水秋叶恋秋山Reluctant Leaves and Waters84
河边柳荫又一春(局部)Spring shady85
山谷二月February of valley86
石涧春醒Spring Revival in the Rocky Slot87
一层山坡一层春Changing Hues of Spring88
幽谷春浓Ardent Spring89
云山图Cloud-Haunted Mountains90
冬之晨Winter Morning91
三月黄土坡March on the Plateau92
万山红遍The full mountain is widely popular93
初醒Spring's First Stir94
梨花带雨湿几重The Rain-Stricken Pear Blossom95
一片绿荫半山藤Spring's First Stir96
一夜春雨The Rain-Stricken Pear Blossom97
秀山出丽水The Jolly Tune98
山中的红房子A Ruby in the Green99
万绿丛中有山泉White Spring against the Thick Greens100
枫林如霞(局部)Burning amples101
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