
第十届亚洲建筑国际交流会论文集 全2册【下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线】

第十届亚洲建筑国际交流会论文集 全2册
  • 中国建筑学会编;EditedbytheArchitecturalSocietyofChina 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国城市出版社
  • ISBN:9787507429817
  • 出版时间:2014
  • 标注页数:765页
  • 文件大小:160MB
  • 文件页数:775页
  • 主题词:建筑设计-亚洲-文集-英文


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Keynote Speech2

Language and Realm2


Advanced Elements in Architectural Culture12

Special Session18

The Sense of Belonging and Architectural Creation18

The Reflections Stimulated by a Preservation Project Design of an Ancient Town in Zhejiang Province23

Making a New Sound Environment Based on Smart User Needs28

Sharing Urban Knowledge to Create the City Ecosystem of Large and Small Cities33

Toward Real Communication Age,Through Project Based Learning For Architectural Design38

Biofied Architecture41

Current Situation and Discussion of Structural Design for Super High-Rise Buildings above 250m in China47

Application of the Diaphragm Wall with Outrigger52

Real-time Model-based Building Energy Management System for Continuous Commissioning59

StrAuto:Parametric Structural Modelling and Optimization System64

Lessons from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Focused on Building Damage69

Sustainable Housing for Human Security74

Academic Session 1:Architectural Planning and Design80

Class Room,Playground,Gallery developed within Educational Theories in the UK and their Introduction to Japan in the 19th Century80

Museum Architecture as Spatial-Storytelling Mediating Artefacts85

The Study Programme in Mountain Villages for City Children and the Planning of Their Accommodation Centres90

A Research on the Application of Big Data in City-House Endowment System94

Modern construction of traditional architecture and poetic life98

Floating Architecture as a Possibility of New Building Typology103

The architectural air clean system and landscape architecture reflecting the air pollution in Beijing:towards the particle behavior of smoke108

Survey on rural housing and new materials application in zhejiang113

Facility survey report:Recent trends in public gymnasiums in Japan based on profiles published in"Sports Facilities"from 1995 to 2010117

Townscape and Preservation of Traditional Houses in Koyasan,Japan:Difference between Residents and Visitors123

Cultural Interpretations of Industrial Heritage Buildings Under the Influence of Art Exhibition129

Study on suffering situation and correspondence of the crematory in the Great East Japan Earthquake134

Investigation and Visualization of Power Energy Consumption in University Campus:As an Example of Osaka City University Sugimoto Campus140

On a Method of Spatial Composition of Tugendthat House146

Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage Carrier Space in Historical Blocks152

The Investigation of Cooperative&Coexistent Type of Housing with Support Service for Self-reliance in a Highly Aging Society157

Displaying Spatial and Social Identity in The New Holocaust History Museum161

Integrating Income Generation Space into Sustainable Low-income Housing Planning Outlook in Thailand166

The Application of Active Spaces in Traditional Lanes in Modern Residential Quarters170

Low-income Lifestyle and Demand on Technologies and Facilities in Income Generation Space Utilizing Family in Khon Kaen Province,Thailand175

Enlightenment from Chinese Ancient Poetry on Architecture's image Creation180

Design for Smart Living184

Study of interpersonal distance between adult male and guidance robot188

Reinventing Architecture-From Far EastAsia To East Africa With Culture193

Research of Japanese Architectural Practice-Culture Mode and Reflection of China198

A Study on the Technology Tree of Skyscrapers202

The Study of how to establish the proper size for small bases for child-care in the urban areas of Japan208

A Study on the Distances of Small Mobile Robot Moves towards Infants214

Research on effects of different color environments on brain activity219

Expression of Regional Characteristics in Railway Stations225

The Supply Process of Day Care Facilities for Elderly-people by Social Welfare Corporation"Hagi Syakaifukusi Jigyoudan"in Hagi City230

Material Tectonics Analysis of Eco-building Skins235

Regional Characteristics of Establishment Process and Location of Day Service Facilities for the Elderly240

Disaster Prevention in the Main Halls of Buddhist Temples and their Use on Widespread Disasters245

A Study on International schools in Malaysia and Singapore251

Investigating the performance of a solar house with Chinese traditional vernacular dwelling culture256

Coupled Simulation of Air-conditioning System and CFD Analysis for an Office Building261

Study on Residential Building Pattern in Historic Cultural Cities Under the Background of New Type Urbanization265

Culture is the Source and Vitality of Architectural Creation271

The Re-use of the Cave-dwellings in Northern Shaanxi Province274

Study on the Ecological and Folklore Connotation of the Components,Pattern and Layout of Mongolian Yurt279

Innovative Shopping Center Planning and Design under the Influence of Online Retailing283

Housing Maintenance Management System Based on Data Mining287

Contemporary Chinese culture building promote the development of architecture292

Study Of The Appropriate Area And Planning Strategy For After-school Day-care Centers From The Perspective Of Children's Activities And Staff Evaluations Of The Space In Japan296

Relationship between building garden environments in child-care facilities in Japan and the features of children's play301

A Study on Effective Management Factors of"Machi no Ibasho"(Small Community Spaces) in Japan307

The research of University campus environment evolution Based on the traditional Chinese architectural culture313

Research Practice on the Reformation of Urban Shantytowns Under the Background of New Urbanization319

Public Service Standard and Demand for Childcare Support Facilities in Mountainous Areas:Case Study on Yamaguchi Prefecture325

The Attentive Problems for the Structures of steel Frame in the Designing of Industrialization's Residence330

Architects view of green low-carbon334

Research on Relationship Between the Space Composition and Stay Activity of Pedestrians at Underground Shopping Areas in Japan339

Multiple Replication and Independent Future:Written after the Rural Residence Competition344

Top-Level Design Practice of Beijing Changyang Peninsula Residential Quarter Green Building Program349

Ontology-based knowledge representation for concept define of artificial ground-based multi-dimensional building353

The Architectural Concept Design for Xixia(Westem Xia)Museum358

Time as a Strategy In the Design of Chinese Classical GardenArchitectures361

A Study on School Architecture in China from the View of Users and Designers366

An Analysis of Weight and Priority Order of Elements for Planning Age-friendly City According to Types of City373

Design Customization377

Unity and Harmony of Traditional Chinese Culture in Architectural Design382

Study on Analysis of facilities for the disabled of Theater386

Study on the present condition in South Korea welfare facilities for senior citizens of the aged residential environment alteration392

Research of adaptable industrialintensive decoration design of kitchen space in current housing397

Optimization of Daylight in Tall Buildings using an Integrated Workflow402

A Suggestion of Improving Korean Multi-family Housing Standards for Small Household by Comparing Those ofNations407

Balance Architecture-Native and Livestock Warehouse Renovation Project in Gongshu District of Hangzhou412

Research On The Considerations About Public Toilets In Station Building418

Investigation on protection and development of historic buildings422

Bangkok Shophouse Support Design ComponentAnalysis and Evaluation427

Dynamic Simulation for the System Performance of the Heat Pump System using Solar and Ground Heat Source432

Newly Built Residential Areas of Car Free Tendency and Its Impact on China's Urban Traffic436

Research on the Design of Urban Comprehensive Passenger Transport Hub440

Diversified Development and Harmonious Symbiosis445

Biomimicry Architecture:Learning Cooling Systems from Birds448

A Framework of Integrated Knowledge-Based Architectural Design Systems453

Measurement of Knowledge-based Architectural Design Work Environment Level458

Reserving Connotation While Overlooking Structure463

Study on the Prediction for Decision Support System of Housing468

A Study on BIM Library and Modeling Construction Method for the Assessment of Carbon Dioxide(CO2)Emissions474

Application Research of Traditional Art Elements in Architectural Form of CulturalInnovative Blocks480

Proposal of Energy-Saving Renovations through Passive Cooling Strategies for Urban Terraced Houses in Hot-Humid Climate of Malaysia485

Office Building Skylight lighting and Ventilation Optimization Design Study in the Cold Region490

A Basic Study on the 3D Printing Technology Applied to Korean Traditional House494

Study On Environmental Installations For Local Image Representation In Shopping Streets499

Efficiency and Excellence,English Style Community502


Islamic Apartment Planning:Based on Traditional Design Elements511

Analysis of the Thermal Bridge Effect in the Roof of New Hanok516

Shading Factor for Direct Radiation in Korean-style Traditional Window System521

A Study on Architectural Lifecycle Management in Japan and China527

TowardsAn Integrated Sustainable Design:A Case Study on Louver Design531

A Study on the Establishment of New Hanok of South Korea535

Study for the Evacuation Safety Design of Railway-stations&Commercial facilities Complex linked with Underground Passage539

Experience in a high-rise steel residential building design545

A Study of Architectural Public Spaces of physical conception549

An Exploratory Study on the Trade Show Layouts with Organizers'intentions554

A Study on Method of Applying Building Information Modeling(BIM)in the Demolition Stage ofBuilding559

Study on Design Strategy to embody'Placeness'for Art Factory Movement564

On Transition of the Way of Using School Building in Daiki Elementary School569

Airtightness data of 600 dwellings in high-rise residential buildings in Korea574

Veranda as an Intermediate Space in Vietnamese Vernacular House578

Passive Design Strategies from Vietnamese Traditional House584

Airtightness Measurement in Large Buildings;induced pressure difference589

The Practice and Exploration of Green Railway Station in China594

Continuity and Innovation of Chinese Garden Spatial Traditions in Modern Squares598

A Study on Space Plan of Urban Traffic Infra through an Interpretation of ragmented Urban Memories through LiteraryAllegory602

A Study on Environmental Design on the basis of the notion of'Milieu'Found in an Analysis of French Literature in 19thCentury607

A study on the regeneration strategies of Gu-ui intake pump station through"Defamiliarization"612

A Study on the Revitalization of old Community Corridor through Urban Morphological Analysis616

Research on the Current Situation of Dav Service Centers in Tokyo 23 Wards and Issues Facing Day Rooms620

Efficient circulation system for space activation in Mixed-use complex625

A study on modeling the cross-section ofthe mud brick vault roof630

A study on ICT for education,facility,and space in Korea634

A study on Environment and Space ofArchitectural Design Education in University639

Social and Spatial Transformation ofImmigration Villages644

Evaluating Space-Use PredictionApproaches towards Sustainable Buildings648

Field Measurements and Evaluation on the Thermal Transmittance of the Opaque Outer Wall in Old Buildings653

Study on the Perception of the Architectural Elements and Spaces in European Paintings658

The Trend of the Graphic Consumption in Architectural Design in Post-industrial Age663

Thermal performance evaluation of stone and metal finish systems considering thermal bridges667

Analysis ofthe urban spatial morphology of Shenyang Zhongshan Road modern historical block673

The Effect of Apartment Master Plan on the Economic Feasibility678

Comparative Research on the Culture ofSubway Station in China,Japan and Korea683

Genetic Algorithm as Design Coordinator in Generative System Design688

Application of Green and Energy Conservation in Modern Office Buildings693

Geometric Methods in the Creation of Digital Architectural Form Special Grid on Surface of Revolution698

Elderly-oriented strategy about residential planning and residential building design based on the view of 'house-based care forthe aged'703

The culture charm of Jiangnan Vernacular building's practice works and design technique of expression in the modern public buildings709

A Study on the Mobile Application Service use for Green Building Vitalizing714

Analysis of the social value for Green Building using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)718

Starting Point of Pietism724

A Study on the Perception and Preference of Skyline in Apartment Housing of Korea729

A Study on Universal Design Guideline of the Urban Railway Station734

A Study on Implementation of Out-of-plane Buckling Resistance of Steel Damper Based on S-BIM740

Relationship between"Three Perspectives"of Chinese Traditional Landscape Painting and Rockery Space of the Su Zhou Huanxiu Villa745

A Study on the Methodology of Digital Modeling of Han-ok's Roof751

Study on Japanese Disaster Prevention Park Location through SPACE SYNTAX755

Re-examination ofAngular-Weighted ERAM Model761
